Continuous Learning on Multimodal Datastreams (Real Virtual Humans)

Prof. Gerard Pons-Moll

Carl Zeiss Foundation Endowed Professorship for "Continuous Learning on Multimodal Datastreams" at the Department of Computer Science, University of Tübingen
Prof. Pons-Moll is being supported with Cluster funding for a research project.

Research Interests

Gerard Pons-Moll is also head of the Emmy Noether research group "Real Virtual Humans", senior researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII) in Saarbrücken, Germany, and faculty member at the IMPRS-IS in Tübingen (International Max Planck Research School - Intelligent Systems) and at the Saarland Informatics Campus.

Gerard Pons-Moll's research lies at the intersection of computer vision, computer graphics and machine learning -- with special focus on analyzing people in videos, and creating virtual human models by "looking" at real ones. His research has produced some of the most advanced statistical human body models of pose, shape, soft-tissue and clothing (which are currently used for a number of applications in industry and research), as well as algorithms to track and reconstruct 3D people, object and scene models from images, video, depth, and IMUs.

Further Information

 For further Information visit Gerard Pons-Moll's website.


Prof. Gerard Pons-Moll
Real Virtual Humans

University of Tübingen
Department of Computer Science
Maria-von-Linden Strasse 6, 2nd floor
Room No. 20-5/A19
72076 Tübingen