International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Jacqueline Bellon

Robotics and AI; Co-laborative research and innovation

Jacqueline Bellon's background is in philosophy and theories of culture. She is a research associate at the Institute for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW) in the projects KI-T-Ü and EGAR, as well as at the Ludwigsburg University of Education (PH Ludwigsburg). Additionally, she teaches at various other universities and is pursuing a doctoral degree at the Technical University of Darmstadt under the supervision of Prof. em. Christoph Hubig and Prof. Andreas Kaminski. Her research focuses on the French philosopher Gilbert Simondon, specifically his theory of individuation and its application to the mode of existence of technical objects. Prior to her current position, she was employed at the University of Siegen, where she worked on a foundational theory of social appropriateness for assistive systems. 

Areas of Expertise

  • Philosophy of Technology
  • History of ideas, epistemology
  • Philosophy of science, practice of science
  • History and philosophy of psychology
  • Theories of Culture, social theories


2022-dato Research Assistant and Lecturer at PH Ludwigsburg; Lecturer at University of Ulm (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften), FH Südwestfalen
2022-dato Research assistant at University of Tübingen, International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities, Projects AI tools in higher education; Ethical and Social Aspects of Integrated Research

Research assistant at the University of Siegen, Institute of Advances Studies "Shaping the Future" in the project Social Appropriateness for Artificial Assistants

Since 2020 Doctorate of Philosophy at the TU Darmstadt under supervision of Prof. Andreas Kaminski and Prof. em. Christoph Hubig on Gilbert Simondon's Theory of Individuation and Philosophy of Technology

M.A. Cultural and Literary Theory with a special focus on Philosophy. Scholarship holder of the Markel Foundation (Bosch). The master thesis Philosophy of Technology in Theories of Culture. Gilbert Simondon's Mode of Existence of Technical Objects and its development from thermodynamics and Gestalt theory was recognized with the Young Academics Achievement Award (2019) from the International Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications.

2013 B.A. Philosophy and German Studies



  • Jacqueline Bellon, Friederike Eyssel, Bruno Gransche, Sebastian Nähr-Wagener, Ricarda Wullenkord (2022): Theory and Practice of Sociosensitive and Socioactive Systems. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline; Eyssel, Friederike; Gransche, Bruno; Nähr-Wagener, Sebastian; Wullenkord, Ricarda (2021): Theorie und Praxis soziosensitiver und sozioaktiver Systeme. Springer: Wiesbaden. (english version: Theory and Practice of Sociosensitive and Socioactive Systems, 2022)
Essays & Contributions
  • Bellon, Jacqueline (2025): Gilbert Simondon's Image Theory and Human-technology Relations through Imagination and AI image generation. In: Philipp Roth et al. (Hrsg.): Making Media Futures: Machine Visions and Technological Imaginations. Routledge.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline (2024): Plausibel, aber unwahr: Sozialisation und Wahrscheinlichkeitspapageien. In: Technology Socialisation? Social Appropriateness and Artificial Systems. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline (2023): Please don't let them be misunderstood: Generative Language Models. Human Perception of Information and Truth in Generated Text. Blog BedenkZeiten.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline (2023): Emotion Components and Understanding in Humans and Machines. In: Misselhorn, Catrin; Poljanšek, Tom; Störzinger, Tobias (Hrsg.): Emotional Machines. Wiesbaden: Springer.
  • Wullenkord, Ricarda; Bellon, Jacqueline et. al (2023): Social appropriateness in HMI. The Five Factors of Social Appropriateness (FASA) Model. Interaction Studies 23 (3). Social Behaviour and Communication in Biological and Artificial Systems. Special Issue: Socially Acceptable Robot Behaviour.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline; Poljanšek, Tom (2022): You can love a robot, but should you fight with it? Perspectives on expecation, predictability, trust, and the usefulness of disappointment in human-machine interaction. In: Janina und Wulf Loh (Hrsg.): Social Robotics and the Good Life. The Normative Side of Forming Emotional Bonds With Robots. Bielefeld: transcript.
  • Kempt, H., Bellon, J. & Nähr-Wagener, S. (2021): Introduction to the Special Issue on “Artificial Speakers - Philosophical Questions and Implications”. Minds & Machines 31, 465–470.
  • Bellon J., Nähr-Wagener S. (2020) Interdisziplinarität, ELSI und Integrierte Forschung – aus Einem Vieles und aus Vielem Eines? In: Gransche B., Manzeschke A. (eds): Das geteilte Ganze. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
  • Bellon J., Gransche B., Nähr-Wagener S. (2020) Ein Fallbeispiel Integrierter Forschung: Das Projekt poliTE – Soziale Angemessenheit für Assistenzsysteme. In: Gransche B., Manzeschke A. (eds) Das geteilte Ganze. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline (2019): Figure, Ground and the Notion of Equilibria in the Work of Gilbert Simondon and Gestalt theory. Gestalt Theory 41 (3), 293-318.
  • Bellon, Jacqueline (2015): Wie dringend brauchen wir eine paraskeue? Fragen zu einer Hermeneutik der Zurüstung. In: Boell, Anna-Christina; Pacina, Tony (Hrsg.): Grenzen in ihrer Vielfalt. Beiträge aus der theoretischen und praktischen Philosophie. Nordhausen: Traugott Beutz.
  • Gransche, Bruno; Bellon, Jacqueline; Nähr-Wagener, Sebastian (2024): Technology Socialisation? Social Appropriateness and Artificial Systems. Reihe techno:phil: Neue Herausforderungen für die Technikphilosophie. Metzler.
  • Kempt, Hendrik; Bellon, Jacqueline; Nähr-Wagener, Sebastian (2022): Special Issue on “Artificial Speakers - Philosophical Questions and Implications”. Minds & Machines 31 (4).
  • Bellon, Jacqueline; Gransche, Bruno; Nähr-Wagener, Sebastian (2021) (Hrsg.): Soziale Angemessenheit – Forschung zu Kulturtechniken des Verhaltens. Springer VS: Wiesbaden
  • Simondon, Gilbert (in Vorbereitung): Die Lösung der Probleme (Original: La résolution des problèmes).
  • Two Simondonian critiques of Gestalt Theory and a contemporary proposal of how to investigate multidimensional grounds instead of synthetic figures, International Conference on Individuating Simondon: 100 Years and Beyond, University of Lisbon
  • The “Mechanologist” as a Social Figure. Gilbert Simondon's Philosophy of Technology, Theory of Culture, and Individuation, Sozialfiguren des Digitalen, Jahrestagung der Sektion Medien und Kommunikationssoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Early Career Workshop
  • Thinking generative AI with Simondon, Panel: Mit Gilbert Simondon das Digitale erkunden, Panel der Deutschen Gesellschaft für französische Philosophie, Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie XXVI, Münster
  • Fighting better with AI? Diskussion mit Sonja Utz, Nico Ehrhardt, und Michael Franke; Science and Innovation Days 2024, Universität Tübingen
  • 2nd Ethics Talk of FH Südwestfalen – AI: Friend or Foe in your Studies? FH Südwestfalen
  • Workshop “ChatGPT & Co”, Stadtbücherei Nürtingen
  • New Human-Technology Relations through GenAI - From a philosophical point of view, Max Planck Cognition Academy, Dresden 2024.
  • Generative KI und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung, "Theory meets Practice" at FACE: Verantwortung in der Zivilgesellschaft - UCF: Wissenschaft - Technologie - Gesellschaft, Freiburg im Breisgau 2024.
  • Reflektierter und verantwortungsvoller Umgang mit genKI, "KI-Tools in der Hochschullehre: Technische Grundlagen, theoretische Zugänge, praktische Perspektiven", Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 2024.
  • ChatGPT & Co. Experimenting with AI-Tools. Workshopreihe für Kinder, Jugendliche und Erwachsene, Stadtbibliothel Reutlingen 2024.
  • Adversarial Attacks, Jailbreaking und Specification Gaming, Glücksspielsymposium der Forschungsstelle Glücksspiel, Universität Hohenheim 2024.
  • Ethical and epistemic aspects of genAI in university education, Blended Learning Day, FH Südwestfalen 2024
  • Was braucht man für ein gutes Leben? KI aus ethischer Perspektive, Herbstakademie ZAWiW, University of Ulm 2023.
  • Generative AI: Social and ethical questions and workshop, Montessori Zentrum ANGELL, Freiburg i.B. 2023.
  • Human-technology and human-world relations through generative AI and adversarial attacks, Society for Philosophy of Technology conference, Tokyo 2023.
  • Gilbert Simondon’s Philosophy of Technology, Society for Philosophy of Technology conference, Tokyo 2023.
  • Theory and Practice of Sociosensitive and Socioactive Systems, Society for Philosophy of Technology conference, Tokyo 2023
  • Partizipation und Wissenschaftskommunikation zwischen Ermächtigung und Verantwortung in Technikentwicklungsprojekten, INSIST: Wissenschaft und Technologie kommunizieren @Weizenbaum Institut, Berlin 2022.
  • Concepts of Gilbert Simondon applied to sociotechnical and scientific imaginaries, Panel "Making Media Futures" @EASST Madrid 2022.
  • The associated milieu as a means towards autonomy in Gilbert Simondon’s philosophy of technology and individuation theory, Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations @ DesignLab, University of Twente 2020.
  • Human-technology and human-media interactions through adversarial attacks, Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations @ DesignLab, University of Twente 2020.
  • Enabling motion: the potentials of the ground, the metastability of the figure and the power of threshold breaches, Motion – Spaces of Human Experience, Internationale Jahrestagung der International Society for Gestalt Theory and its Applications, Warschau 2019.
  • ‘poliTE - Social Appropriateness for Artificial Assistants’ A Project Researching the Nature and Genesis of Decency, Konferenz Evil, Decency and Fear, Prag 2019.
  • Soziosensitive Systeme - Soziale Angemessenheit als Teil von Datenschatten, Projekt-Session auf der Fachkonferenz Integrierte Forschung, Berlin 2018.
  • Gilbert Simondon’s genesis of „technicity“ under the influence of Thermodynamics and Gestalt Theory, University of Leeds IHPS Conference on The Past, Present and Future of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science 2017.
  • Ereignisdesign und Sichtverhältnisse. Beobachten als Technik, Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf, Graduiertenkolleg "Materialität und Produktion", Internationale Tagung "Ereignis - Technik - Material" 2016.
  • Ist die Ousia noch da? FU Berlin, Perspektiven nach der Postmoderne 2016.
  • Verantwortung und Subjektbegriff bei Nietzsche, Musil, Luhmann, Nietzsche-Dokumentationszentrum Naumburg (Saale), Ohnmacht des Subjekts - Macht der Persönlichkeit 2012.


WS 24/25

  • The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (TÜ-VIP, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)
  • Fairness in AI (Master Studiengang “Angewandte KI”, Fachhochschule Südwestfalen)
  • AI Ethics (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Ulm)
  • Molecular Biology and Theory of Science (Universität Ulm, Co-Teaching mit Jan Tuckermann)

SS 24

  • Human-Technology Relations: Societal and Ethical Aspects of genAI applications (TRACS, University of Tübingen)
  • Introduction to Epistemology (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Ulm)

WS 23/24

  • Introduction to Epistemology (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Ulm)
  • Societal Change and ethical questions arising from the use of AI technology (Institute for Philosophy, University of Education Ludwigsburg)
  • Fairness in AI (FH Südwestfalen)
  • Theory of Science and Molecular Biology (University of Ulm, Co-Teaching with Jan Tuckermann)
  • Questionable Scenes: Ethics in Films and Series (Institute for Philosophy, University of Education Ludwigsburg)
  • Questionable Scenes: Ethics and Philosophy in Films and Series (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Ulm, Co-Teaching with Martin Hennig)

SS 23

  • Introduction to Action Theoy (Institute for Philosophy, University of Education Ludwigsburg)
  • Generative AI and Deepfake Technology (Institute for Philosophy, University of Education Ludwigsburg)
  • Introduction to the Ethics of Technology (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Ulm)
  • Methods and perspectives for text analysis (Humboldt Zentrum für Philosophie und Geisteswissenschaften, Universität Ulm, Co-Teaching with Martin Hennig)

WS 22/23

  • Introduction to the Ethics of Technology (Institut für Philosophie, PH Ludwigsburg)

SS 22

  • Reading Seminar Martha Nussbaum "Anger and Forgiveness" (Institut für Philosophie, PH Ludwigsburg)

WS 21/22

  • Philosophy of Cultural Techniques and Social Behaviour (Institut für Philosophie, PH Ludwigsburg)


  • The German Society for Philosophy of Science, Society of Intercultural Philosophy, Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, Chaos Computer Club, DGPhil