International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Department of Safety ethics

The social negotiation of security moves between a super fundamental right to security and the warning against security as a seemingly natural antagonist of freedom. The Security Ethics research group reflects on the value of security in different contexts. Questions of social cohesion play just as much a role as civil protection, police security actions or the protection of critical infrastructures.

More information about the research group

Mit ihrem interdisziplinären Ansatz analysiert die Forschungsgruppe Sicherheitsethik Sicherheitsforschung, -maßnahmen und -politiken empirisch als Ausgangspunkt für eine systematische ethische Reflexion von Sicherheitshandeln. Im Sinne einer Ethik in den Wissenschaften setztWith its interdisciplinary approach, the Security Ethics research group analyzes security research, measures and policies empirically as a starting point for systematic ethical reflection on security actions. In the spirit of ethics in the sciences, the research group aims to conduct security research not only about society, but also with society. With this in mind, our work is based on the inclusion of as many perspectives as possible from the actors concerned. Many of the projects carried out are therefore transdisciplinary, so that partners from science and practice can conduct research together. In addition, this approach requires regular communication in and with society. es sich die Forschungsgruppe zum Ziel, Sicherheitsforschung nicht nur über, sondern auch mit der Gesellschaft zu betreiben. In diesem Sinne sind bauen unsere Arbeiten auf dem Einbezug möglichst vieler Perspektiven von betroffenen Akteur*innen. Zahlreiche der durchgeführten Projekte sind heirfür transdisziplinär angelegt, so dass Partner*innen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis gemeinsam forschen können. Darüber hinaus verpflichtet dieser Ansatz zu einer regelmäßigen Kommunikation in die und mit der Gesellschaft.

Principal investigator


Dr. Marco Krüger
(Critical) security studies, resilience, security and care, gender and security, surveillance studies

Friedrich Gabel
Inclusive civil protection, justice, disaster safety/disaster bioethics, security and exclusion


Jonathan Lübke
Social Philosophy and Social Theory, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science, Philosophical Anthropology, Moral Philosophy


Dr. Katharina Krause
Critical Security Studies, Visual IR, Global Health Governance, Care Ethics

Dr. Benjamin Scharte
(Systemic) resilience, civil protection, protection of critical infrastructures, complexity and uncertainty, systemic risks


Katharina Wezel
Critical security studies, feminist perspectives on health security, global health governance, sociology of knowledge


Current projects

Agile network management to increase the resilience of critical water supply infrastructure



Corona and care: care dynamics in the pandemic



Publications (selection)

  • Scharte, Benjamin (2024): Discussing Trust and Resilience: The Need for a Healthy Dose of Distrust. In: Risk, Hazards, & Crisis in Public Policy. URL:
  • Scharte, Benjamin (2024): Translating resilience research to political practice – The case of the German Resilience Strategy. In: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. URL:
  • Friedrich Gabel, Maira Schobert & Marco Krüger (2024): Research Ethics and Ethical Research: An Example of Integrating Ethics in R&I Research, European Journal for Security Research, 8, 5-23.
  • Katharina Wezel & Katharina Krause (2024): Embodiment and protection. Critical Studies on Security, 1–5. online first.
  • Marco Krüger (2023): Visibilising the neglected: The emancipatory potential of resilience, European Journal of International Security, 8(2), 207-226.
  • Katharina Krause (2021): Disentangling the Protection Suit: Images, Artefacts, and the Making of the Health-Security Nexus, in: Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 49 (3), 472-497.
  • Marco Krüger & Kristoffer Albris (2021): Resilience unwanted: Between control and cooperation in disaster response, Security Dialogue, Security Dialogue, 52 (4), 343-360.
  • Regina Ammicht Quinn (Hrsg.) (2014): Sicherheitsethik. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Completed projects

Maintaining outpatient care infrastructures in crisis situations

03/2020 - 06/2023


Building European Communities' Resilience and Social Capital

05/2019 - 04/2022

EU H2020

EKAMEDEthics in disaster medicine

06/2020 - 05/2022

Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz

und Katastrophenhilfe (BBK)

Flexible, semi-automated analysis system for evaluating video mass data

11/2016 - 02/2019


Hochwasser 2021
The role of private and public companies during the 2021 floods

05/2022 - 11/2022

DRK Generalsekretariat

Stocktaking on disaster management and the inclusion of people with disabilities

10/2023 - 03/2024

Aktion Deutschland Hilft e.V.

KOPHISStrengthening the contexts of people in need of care and assistance - interlinking BOS, care infrastructure and active civil society networks

02/2016 - 04/2019