Englisches Seminar

Master English Literatures and Cultures

The two-year M.A. in English Literatures and Cultures is a consecutive and research-oriented programme of study following up on B.A. degrees in English and American Studies or other disciplines in the field of literary and cultural studies. It is dedicated to the Anglophone literatures and cultures of the world and focuses on academic procedures of systematic knowledge acquisition. The wide variety of courses in the programme encompass cultural developments from the early modern to the ‘postmodern’ periods. Literature is viewed as an integral part of modern culture and its increasing globalisation. More recent developments in the field, combining literary studies with media studies and cultural studies, form the basis for exploring the relationship between literary texts and other types of text and media, thus creating a productive link between literary and cultural studies. The ability to critically analyse and reflect on texts of any kind constitutes the core principle underlying teaching and learning in this area.

The programme prepares students from diverse cultural and academic backgrounds to work independently on questions and problems related to literatures and cultures in English and to present results in written and/or oral forms. To do so, the programme begins with a seminar on Central Concepts and Competences (CCC) for all incoming students (ELC-MA 01). This module introduces them to concepts and skills used in research at the department. The ensuing additional four core modules systematically build students’ writing and communication skills with a mixture of oral exams and term papers of increasing length. The thematic focus of these core modules can be freely chosen by the students.

The thematic Core Curriculum of the M.A. programme English Literatures and Culture consists of the following modules:

  • Literary and Cultural History I (ELC-MA 02)
  • Conceptualising Literary and Cultural History I (ELC-MA 03)
  • Literary and Cultural History II (ELC-MA 04)
  • Conceptualising Literary and Cultural History II (ELC-MA 05)

The Core Curriculum (ELC-MA 01-05) is supplemented by

  • An Interdisciplinary Profile enabling students to attend courses at other departments or faculties, thereby creating a unique academic profile (ELC-MA 06)
  • A research colloquium helping students to find and develop a topic for their final thesis (Topics for Candidates, ELC-MA 07)
  •  Professional Experience via internships, teaching tutorials, becoming involved in editorial projects etc. (Practice and Application, ELC-MA 08)

The supplementary modules ELC-MA 06-08 can be replaced by three Digital Humanities modules (MA-DiHu 01-03) which will yield an additional certificate of qualification. The Digital Humanities profile offers an introduction to various IT skills which are helpful in the context of studying humanities. For example students can learn how to program a webpage to present their research.

All students of English Literatures and Cultures are encouraged to spend time in an English-speaking country. This is an invaluable opportunity for students to work with experienced professionals in a different academic environment. As the application process for studying abroad takes more than a year, students who want to integrate a stay abroad are advised to contact the International Office and a member of the English Literatures and Cultures programme early during their initial enrolment. Up to two modules from the thematic Core Curriculum (ELC-MA 02-05), Interdisciplinary Profile or Practice and Application can be done abroad.

It is the aim of the programme to prepare students for their future professions in academia, journalism and publishing, public relations, adult education, intercultural communication, consulting, international organizations, new media, public administration and elsewhere.

The University of Tübingen has a long history of excellence in English and Postcolonial Studies and provides students with outstanding study resources and conditions. Our various university libraries hold a large collection of books, journals, and media dealing with the anglophone world. Tübingen itself is one of Germany’s oldest, most attractive university towns, with a large and vibrant student population.