Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Prof. Dr. Reinhard Johler

Ludwig-Uhland-Institut für Empirische Kulturwissenschaft /
Department of Historical and Cultural Anthropology
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Burgsteige 11 (Schloss)
D- 72070 Tübingen

tel. + 49 7071-2975448, fax: + 49 7071-5330

1. Academic CV

1.1 University Education, Degrees, Positions etc.

Current Position
Professor, Ludwig-Uhland-Institut fuer Empirische Kulturwissenschaft, Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany (since 2002)
Director, Institut for Danube-Swabian History and Regional Studies (since 2008)
1987 Mag., University of Vienna, European Ethnology
1994 Dr. phil., University of Vienna, European Ethnology
Previous Positions
1987 - 2002 Resesarch Scholar, Institut fuer Volkskunde, University of Vienna
2002 Assistant Professor, Institut fuer Volkskunde, University of Vienna

1.2 Fellowships, Grants, Honors

2004 Invited Visiting Professor for Antropologie et Sociologie at the Départment des Sciences Sociales, École Normale Superieure Paris
2012 Research Award of the Land Vorarlberg (Austria)
2018 Invited Professor Discipline demoetnoantropologiche/Storia Antropologia Religioni Arte Spettacolo, Università di Roma „La Sapienza“

1.3 Administrative Positions & University Service

2004 - 2006 Vice-Dean Dean of the Faculty for Social and Behavioural Studies, Tübingen University
2006 - 2008 Dean of the Faculty for Social and Behavioural Studies, Tübingen University
2007 - 2011 President of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Volkskunde
2011 - 2017 President of the Johann Gottfried Herder Forschungsrat

1.4 Research fields

Cultural Processes in Europe (Europeanization, Migration, Refugees)
Differences, Diversity, Multiculturalism
War Experiences and the History of European Ethnology
Region, Cultural Heritage
Cultures of Disasters

1.5 Major Projects and Conferences with External Funding

2020 - 2023 Reading the Danube. (Trans)national narratives in the 20th and 2st centuries (DACH-Project: DFG/FWF)
Austrian Academy of Sciences / Institute for Danubeswabian History and Regional Studies)
2019 - 2023 CRC 923 Threatened Order: Societies Under Stress, Univ. Tuebingen, Project: A "genealogy of hybridity". The Threatened Orders of the Multicultural Peninsula of Istria (1970-2013)
2015 - 2019 CRC 923 Threatened Order: Societies Under Stress, Univ. Tuebingen
Project: Istria as a cultural ‚test station‘. Hybridity as a (threatened) social order
(German Research Foundation)
2015 - 2021 Sprachalltag II. Linguistic Atlas – Digitization - Sustainability
(Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden-Wuerttemberg)
2011 - 2015 CRC 923 Threatened Order: Societies Under Stress, Univ. Tuebingen
Project: Avalanches as Threats to Social Order. Disaster Traditions in the Central Alpine Region
(German Research Foundation)
2005 - 2008 CRC 473 War Experiences. Krieg und Gesellschaft in der Neuzeit
War Experiences and the History of Anthropology
(German Research Foundation)

2. Editor/Co-Editorships (scholarly journals and series of monographs)

2002 Co-Editor „Untersuchungen des Ludwig-Uhland-Instituts“ (Tuebingen)
2002 Co-Editor „Studien & Materialien“ (Tuebingen)
2003 - 2007 Co-Editor „Zeitschrift für Volkskunde“ (Muenster)
2008 Co-Editor „Schriftenreihe des Instituts fuer donauschwaebische Geschichte und Landeskunde“ (Tuebingen); (Münster)
Member of the International Editorial Board "Ethnologie Francaise" (Paris); "Revue des Sciences Sociales" (Strasbourg); "Traditiones“ (Ljubljana); "Lares" (Roma)

3. Teaching

Theory and Methodology of European Ethnology
History of European Ethnology/ Anthropology
Europeanization & Migration
Cultural Diversity

4. Major Publications (in english, french and italian; for publications in german see Gesamtbibliographie)


Out of the Tower. Essays on Culture and Everyday Life. Tübingen 2013. Ed. Monique Scheer, Reinhard Johler, Thomas Thiemeyer, Bernhard Tschofen.
Doing Anthropology in Wartime and War Zones. World War I and the Cultural Sciences in Europe. Bielefeld 2010. Ed. Reinhard Johler, Christian Marchetti, Monique Scheer.
Migration, Integration, and Health. The Danube Region. Lengerich 2010. Ed. Reinhard Johler, Harald C. Traue, Jelena J. Gavrilovic.
La Construction de l’Ennemi. Strasbourg 2009 (hg. gem. m. Freddy Raphael, Patrick Schmoll).
Mir parlen Italiano. La costruzione sociale del pregiudizio etnico: storia dei trentini nel Vorarlberg. Introduzione di Renato Monteleone (= Archivio della Scrittura Popolare; Studi e Documenti). Trento 1996.
Identità e culture regionale (= Memoria e Ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea 3, Nr. 6, 1995), (hg. gem. m. Stefano Cavazza).


ラインハルト・ヨーラー、ヤン・ヒンリクセン、サンドロ・ラット: 「災害の文化ドイツ語圏民俗学・文化学における研究の視点」 『日本民俗学』 第295 (2018) P. 83-107, 189.

The War, the Soldiers, the Prisoners, and the Folklorists in Europe: a comparative research summary. In: International Forum on Audio-Visual Research/Jahrbuch des Phonogramm Archivs 9 (2018), 41-79.

Luoghi Europei. Processi di Territorializzazione nelle ‚Nuova Europa‘. In: Lares. Quadrimestrale di studi demoetnoantropologici 82/3 (2016), S. 355-369.
The Invention of the Multicultural Museum in the late nineteenth Century: Ethnography and the Presentation of Cultural Diversity in Central Europe. In: Austrian History Yearbook 46, 2015, 51-67.
“Hybridism”: Istria, Folklore Studies, and Cultural Theory. In: Monique Scheer, Reinhard Johler, Thomas Thiemeyer, Bernhard Tschofen (eds): Out of the Tower. Essays on Culture and Everyday Life. Tübingen 2013, 147-167.
Doing European Ethnology in a Time of change. The Metamorphosis of a Discipline (in Germany and in Europe. In: Traditiones 41/2, 2012, S. 245-255.
Laboratory Conditions: German Speaking Volkskunde and the Great War. In: Reinhard Johler, Christian Marchetti, Monique Scheer (eds.): Doing Anthropology in Wartime and War Zones. World War I and the Cultural Sciences in Europe. Bielefeld 2010, 123-140.
Migration, Sister Cities, Europe: the Pursuit of Cultural Diversity. In: Harald C. Traue, Reinhard Johler, Jelena J. Gavrilovic (eds.): Migration, Integration, and Health. The Danube Region. Lengerich 2010, 177-188.
La guerre, l’ennemi et la Volkskunde. In: Revue des sciences sociales 43, 2010, 116-129.
Re-thinking Socialism and Culture in Germany. An Ethnological Approach. In: Klaus Roth (Hg.): Sozialismus: Realitäten und Illusionen. Ethnologische Aspekte der sozialistischen Alltagskultur (= Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Ethnologie der Universität Wien, 24). Wien 2005, 213-222.
Sozialisam, vsekidnevie i kultura v Germania. Edna etnografska ravnosmetka. (Sozialismus - Realität und Illusionen. Ethnologische Aspekte der Alltagskultur). In: Radost Ivanova/Ana Luleva/Racko Popov (Red.): Sozialismat: Realnost i iljuzii. Etnologicni aspekti na vsekidnevnata kultura.. Etnografski institut s muzej. Sofia 2003, 46-54.
Il sistema creditizio rurale nellarea alpino. Studi di caso dal Tirolo, dal Sudtirolo e dal Vorarlberg. In: SM Annali di San Michele, 15, 2002, 93-104.
Is there an alpine identity? Some ethnological observations. In: Bojan Baskar, Irena Weber (Hg.): MESS. Mediterranean Ethnological Summer School. Piran/Pirano 1999 and 2000, vol. 4, Ljubljana 2002, S. 101-113.
Local Europa. The Production of Cultural Heritage and the Europeanisation of Places. In: Ethnologia Europaea. Journal of European Ethnology 32:2, 2002, 7-18.
The EU as Manufacturer of Tradition and Cultural Heritage. In: Ullrich Kockel (Hg.): Culture and Economy. Contemporary Perspectives. Aldershot 2002, 221-230.
Europe, Identity Politics and the Production of Cultural Heritage. In: Lietuvos Etnologija. Studies in Social Anthropology and Ethnology 2 (11), 2002, 9-22.
Borders in Europe: Eating Birds and the Cultural Idea of Wildlife. In: Patricia Lysaght (Hg.): Food from Nature. Attitudes, Strategies and Culinary Practices. Proceedings of the 12th Conference of the International Commission for Ethnological Food Research, Umea and Frostviken. Sweden, 8-14 June, 1998 (= Acta Academiae Regiae Gustavi Adolphi, LXXI). Uppsala 2000, 81-90.
Ethnological Aspects of Rooting Europe in a De-Ritualised European Union. In: Bendix, Regina - Herman Roodenburg (Hg.): Managing Ethnicity. Perspectives from folklore studies, history and anthropology. Amsterdam 2000, 171 - 184.
A local construction - or: What have the Alps to do with a global reading of the Mediterranean. In: Narodna Umjetnost. Croatian Journal of Ethnology and Folklore, 36/1, 1999, 87-102.
Telling a National Story with Europe. Europe and the European Ethnology. In: Ethnologia Europaea, 29, 1999, 67-74.
L’idea di una alpine society - oppure: perché abbiamo bisogno degli americani nelle Alpi? In: SM Annali di San Michele, 11, 1998, 159-170.
Malheur au peuple qui a besoin de héros ou pourquoi les Autrichiens nont-ils pas les héros nationaux? In: Pierre Centlivres, Daniel Fabre, Francoise Zonabend (Hg.): La Fabrique des Héros (= Collection Ethnologie de la France, Cahier 12). Paris 1998, 211 - 230.
Nationalismo e costruzione di regioni: un esempio tedesco. In: Identità e culture regionale ( = Memoria e Ricerca. Rivista di storia contemporanea, 3, 1995, 29-50.
Il concetto scientifico di "Deutsche Arbeit" e l'ergologia nell'area alpina. In: SM Annali di San Michele. Rivista annuale del Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 8, 1995, 265-286.
L'Italia e la fondazione dei Musei Etnografici in Austria. In: Bergamini, G. - A. Ciceri - G. P. Gri (a cura di): Atti del convegno internazionale di studi sui Musei Etnografici. Udine 1993, 51-59.
Alla ricerca dei confini nazionali nelle Alpi. Il contributo della demologia. In: SM Annali di San Michele. Rivista annuale del Museo degli Usi e Costumi della Gente Trentina, 6, 1993, 267-278.