Center for Plant Molecular Biology

Former Post Doc - Dr. rer. nat. - Kenneth W Berendzen : Scripts and Programs

Former Post-doctoral researcher:
Dr. rer. nat.
Kenneth W Berendzen

Motif Mapper

I am the principle creator and developer of Motif Mapper, a collection of (visual basic, .NET, python) scripts for various word counting tasks. As I have moved to the University of Tübingen, I am continuing my page-caring from here. Although there have been significant changes in the programming structure of the package, all basic principles and routines have remained the same. You are invited to view the description of the 3.1.2 release and enjoy the recent releases from here. All scripts are Open Source (GPL2) along with a Creative License (see below). GenBank extraction is best performed using the python version or the VBA versions. I have also included a simple GFF parser in the .NET version. All software is provided as is with no guuarentees. Comments are welcome.

Motif Mapper releases:

VBA Scripts

.NET(with VB2007)


Finding Significant Motifs In Promoters using the 'Cluster Analysis Real Randomization' algorithm

Use this program to identify significantly enriched or depleted motifs compared to a dynamically randomized background dataset. This program requires only FASTA formatted files for .NET versions or GenBank flat-files for the VB versions as input. A help - walk-through for the .NET version is provided. All other scripts are more or less the same as the 3.1.2 release (see above).

Motif Mapper scripts have been used/mentioned in several publications:

Other Programs (a.k.a Motif Mapper add ons)

Protein-Protein Interaction Mining

Use this script to identify Protein-Protein interactions from specific binary datasets. This script is designed for mining public protein-protein network information, such as available from public databases TAIR's database found at TAIR's Proteome Resources - Protein-Protein Interactions.

Microarray Tools (Gene Sets)

Use these scripts for analyzing large collections of gene lists which may have partial or heavy redundancy. We have designed them to help us analyze the large number of gene sets we obtain when working with AtGenExpress data.

Please contact me if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions. All scripts are Open Source and are released as additions (add ons) to the Motif Mapper package.

(c) KW. Berendzen, Uni-Tuebingen, ZMBP