Department of Computer Science

Medial Informatics (Bachelor's program)

Target group

The Bachelor's degree course in Media Informatics is aimed at anyone who wants to use and advance the possibilities of current technology in real life. To study media informatics, you should be able to think abstractly and enjoy solving tricky problems, which is usually reflected in good math grades. In contrast to pure computer science, the use of technology in various areas of life is central to media informatics. Enjoying working with people is just as important as being open to methods from the Humanities and Social Sciences. A good knowledge of English is also a prerequisite.

Study contents

The degree program provides a solid education in computer science with courses in the areas of practical, technical and theoretical computer science as well as mathematics.

Compulsory courses in Media Informatics include user interface design, internet technologies, fundamentals of multimedia technology, image processing, and graphical data processing.

The compulsory program also includes the basics of Media Studies, as well as one practice-oriented and one in-depth course in Media Studies. The content ranges from social topics such as media reception and media history to the practical implementation of content in texts, films or radio reports.

The Media Informatics project page shows examples of projects created in Media Informatics and Media Studies courses.

From the fourth semester onwards, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge in specialist areas according to their own inclinations. Possible areas of specialization include the four core areas of human-computer interaction, website development, multimedia technology and computer graphics/image processing, as well as overarching topics such as the development of computer games.

You can find sample curricula here.

Study goals

The course teaches subject-specific knowledge of Media Informatics, Computer Science and Media Studies as well as interdisciplinary professional skills such as presentation and writing techniques.

The Bachelor's degree in Media Informatics is the most important entry requirement for further (Master's) degree courses. Possible Master's degree courses include Media Informatics, Human-Computer Interaction, Computer Ccience and other related courses. In Tübingen, all computer science master's degree courses can be taken.

The Bachelor's degree is a professional qualification and qualifies graduates to work in all areas of Computer Science. (Media) Computer Scientists generally have very good career prospects.

Occupational fields and perspectives

In a world which is increasingly permeated with digital media, well-trained media IT specialists are urgently needed. The opportunities on the job market are exceptionally good.

The following areas are just a few examples:

  • Innovation and research: development of new electronic media
  • Software development: design of user interfaces for computers, PDAs, cell phones, televisions, household appliances, consumer electronics and electronic health products
  • Web design & internet agencies: development of websites, interactive web applications (Web 2.0) and personalized web applications (Web 3.0)
  • Development of digital learning and interaction platforms: Software development, software architecture, project management
  • Entertainment industry: development of computer and video games
  • Radio and television: Digital technology
  • Printing industry: development of software for digital print preparation