Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology


Objects have always served as important sources for researchers in the field of Folklore Studies, as they have sought to understand bygone eras and contemporaneous cultural developments. Due to its interest in material culture, the Ludwig Uhland Institute has built up a collection (the Archives of Everyday Culture) whose holdings can be found throughout the Institute, for instance, as part of the interior design.
Karin Bürkert, a lecturer at LUI, interacts with the Institute’s Archives of Everyday Life as a researcher, instructor and administrator. Research on objects is being conducted at present at LUI in the context of the Collaborative Research Center # 1070 RessourcenKulturen or “ResourcesCultures” (sub-project C07 Materielle Authentizität als Ressource/Material Authenticity as a Resource), in the consortium project Vernetzt lernen, forschen, vermitteln/Networked learning, research and presention, and within the framework of Archive Studies and Museology.