

Members of the Department EBPP Obtained 4 DFG Grants and 3 BMBF Grants

During the first semester of the academic year 2011/2012 members of the department EBPP were afforded four grants by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and 3 grants by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF):

  • Improvement of pupils' homework compliance – Impact of
    expectancy-value-beliefs, personality traits and teachers' homeworkcompetence (Ulrich Trautwein, Oliver Lüdtke & Benjamin Nagengast; DFG)
  • Using the NEPS database to examine effects of a reform in upper-secondary education on achievement differences, and gender disparities (Ulrich Trautwein, Wolfgang Wagner & Jochen Kramer; DFG)
  • Use of mobility options in the education system – a binational comparison between Switzerland and Germany (Albert Düggeli, Franz Baeriswyl, Ulrich Trautwein & Kai Maaz; co-financed by Swiss National Science Foundation and DFG)
  • Truth will come out: Honesty-Humility, socially desirable responding, and
    dishonest behavior (Ingo Zettler; DFG)
  • Effects of item position and item context on estimating competency gains with item response models (Gabriel Nagy, Benjamin Nagengast, Andreas Frey & Michael Becker; BMBF)
  • Measuring Instructional Quality in Large-Scale-Studies: Optimization of Statistical Modelling and Item Selection (Ulrich Trautwein, Oliver Lüdtke,
    Eckhard Klieme, Benjamin Nagengast & Wolfgang Wagner; BMBF)
  • Development and validation of a historic competencies test for large-scale assessments (Ulrich Trautwein, Waltraud Schreiber, Andreas Körber, Bodo von Borries, Stephan Schwan & Christiane Bertram; BMBF)