

Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung: Should my child repeat the school year?

Ulrich Trautwein calls compulsory school attendance "relatively inefficient"

Since the start of the Corona pandemic and the accompanying first school closures in March 2020, a lot of classes have been cancelled, depending on the school and grade level. With the end of the school year now approaching, the question for many parents is how to make up for the sometimes significant gaps in learning. Should children repeat the school year in view of this fact - even if the grades (just) allow them to be promoted? This is a decision that needs to be carefully considered.
In the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung, Ulrich Trautwein explains why he generally considers "Sitzenbleiben" to be a "relatively inefficient instrument for the students concerned".

Read the full article in the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung (in German).
