Julia Maria Lange

Julia Maria Lange is a research scientist at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology and PhD student in the doctoral programme “Hector Core Courses”.


Curriculum Vitae

Since 04/2020
Associated member of the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network

University of Tübingen

Since 01/2020
Research scientist at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology and PhD student in the doctoral programme “Hector Core Courses”

University of Tübingen

03/2019 – 07/2019
Research internship at the Body, Mind and Behaviour Laboratory

University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

2016 – 2019
Bachelor's studies Psychology (B.Sc.)

Saarland University

2010 – 2016
Teaching studies on Philosophy/Ethics, English and Psychology for Gymnasien (State Examination)

University of Mannheim and University of Heidelberg