Lucas Stark

Lucas Stark is a research scientist at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology and PhD student in the doctoral programme “Hector Core Courses”.

His research interest revolves around critical thinking about knowledge. In today’s society, he think it is crucial for citizens to be able to critically evaluate data and information to make evidence-based decisions. Therefore, he will concentrate on statistical literacy and epistemic beliefs in my dissertation. It is his goal to promote these constructs within a course development for the Hector Children's Academy Program.

His dissertation project already links to different fields. Therefore he is also part of LEAD.

Curriculum Vitae

Since 02/2020
Research scientist at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology and PhD student in the doctoral programme “Hector Core Courses”

University of Tübingen

Research assistant at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

University of Tübingen

Studies of Education Sciences and Psychology (M.Sc.)

University of Tübingen

Research assistant at the Chair of sociology

University of Hohenheim

Vocational Education and Technical Education with minor subject sociology (B.A.)

University of Stuttgart


  • Schiefer, J., Stark., L., Gaspard, H., Wille, E., Trautwein, U., & Golle, J. (2020). Scaling up an extracurricular science intervention for elementary school students: It works, and girls benefit more from it than boys. Journal of Educational Psychology. Advance online publication.