Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Dr. Katharina Wendebourg

Katharina Wendebourg is a postdoctoral researcher at the Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology. Her research interests focus on foreign language learning with a strong emphasis on motivational processes. She is currently involved in the projects Interact4School and AI2Teach, in which the effectiveness of the interactive adaptive tutoring system FeedBook is being investigated in a school context.



  • Parrisius, C., Wendebourg, K., Rieger, S., Loll, I., Pili-Moss, D., Colling, L., ... & Nagengast, B. (2022). Effective Features of Feedback in an Intelligent Tutoring System-A Randomized Controlled Field Trial (Pre-Registration)

  • Parrisius, C., Pieronczyk, I., Blume, C., Wendebourg, K., Pili-Moss, D., Assmann, M., ... & Trautwein, U. (2022). Using an Intelligent Tutoring System within a Task-Based Learning Approach in English as a Foreign Language Classes to Foster Motivation and Learning Outcome (Interact4School): Preregistration of the Study Design

Journal articles

  • Wendebourg, K., Öttl, B., Meurers, D., & Kaup, B. (in press). Semantic information boosts the acquisition of a novel grammatical system in different presentation formats. Language and Cognition.


  • Wendebourg, K. (2018). How can grammar learning be facilitated?: insights from the learning of Latin morpho-syntax (Doctoral dissertation, Tübingen).

Conference contributions


  • Wendebourg, K. (2018). Cognitive foundations of language learning and teaching. Tübingen Summer School in Second Language Acquisition, Tübingen.

  • Wendebourg, K. (2018). Wie kann Grammatiklernen erleichtert werden? Experimentelle Befunde zum Lernen lateinischer Morphosyntax. Colloquium Corpus Linguistics and Phonetics, HU Berlin. (eingeladener Vortrag)

  • Braungart, K., Öttl, B., Rebuschat, P., Meurers, D., & Kaup B. (2016): Aspects of foreign language learning using Latin. Colloquium of the Second Language Learning and Teaching Research Group, Lancaster, UK. (eingeladener Vortrag)

  • Braungart, K., Meurers, D., & Kaup, B., (2015): Induktiver und deduktiver Grammatikerwerb beim Fremdsprachenlernen. TeaP 2017 57th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Hildesheim.

  • Braungart, K., Öttl, B., Meurers, D., & Kaup, B. (2015): Does semantic information facilitate foreign grammar acquisition? International PhD Workshop “Studying Language Learning: From the laboratory to the classroom”, Tübingen.

Poster presentations:

  • Wendebourg, K., Öttl, B. Berndt, E., Meurers, D. & Kaup., B. (2018). Testing benefits grammar acquisition: insights from the learning of Latin morpho-syntax. TeaP 2017 60th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Marburg.

  • Braungart, K., Monaghan, P., Kaup, B. & Rebuschat, P. (2017). Does explicit instruction facilitate the acquisition of a novel language? Insights from cross-situational statistical learning. Conference Interdiscipilary Advances in Statistical Learning, Bilbao (Spain).

  • Braungart, K., Monaghan, P., Kaup, B. & Rebuschat, P. (2017): Does explicit instruction facilitate the acquisition of a novel language? Insights from cross-situational statistical learning. TeaP 2017 59th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Dresden.

  • Braungart, K., Öttl, B., Meurers, D., & Kaup, B. (2016): Does semantic information facilitate grammar acquisition? 5th Implicit Learning Seminar, Lancaster (UK).

  • Braungart, K., Öttl, B., Meurers, D., & Kaup, B. (2016): Does semantic information facilitate grammar acquisition? TeaP 2016 58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Heidelberg.

  • Braungart, K., Meurers, D., & Kaup., B. (2015): Is deductive or inductive teaching more beneficial in grammar acquisition? Symposium “New Directions in Implicit and Explicit Language Learning”, Lancaster (UK).


  • 7/2018: “Summer School in Second Language Acquisition” (5 days, 80 participants)

  • 12/2015: Doktorandenworkshop “Language Learning from the Laboratory to the Classroom” (3 days, 60 participants)

Curriculum Vitae

since 08/2018
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology


Title: Wie kann Grammatiklernen erleichtert werden? Untersuchungen zum Lernen lateinischer Morphosyntax [How can grammar learning be facilitated? Studies on learning Latin morphosyntax], University of Tübingen


LEAD Graduate School & Research Network, University of Tübingen

Teacher Trainee

2. Staatsexamen, Isolde-Kurz-Gymnasium, Reutlingen

Scholarship Cusanuswerk

from the German Bishops' Conference and the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Study of Latin and Catholic Theology

1. Staatsexamen, University of Tübingen

Study of Psychology

Diplom, University of Tübingen

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