Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Dr. Franziska Veit

Post doctoral researcher

Ludwig Uhland Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology | University of Tübingen | Burgsteige 11, 72070 Tübingen
No consultation hours

Research Interests

  • Anthropology of Emotions and Morality
  • Practices of privacy/intimacy and publicity, Performance, Events
  • Disease, social difference, failure
  • Contemporary, popular, and media cultures, cultures of remembrance
  • Practice theory approaches and methodology
  • Digital Anthropology
Academic Profile

Since May 2023 I am post doctoral researcher at the Ludwig-Uhland-Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Tübingen.

My phD thesis „Zwischen Stigma und Show. Emotionale Praktiken und Sichtbarkeiten des Scheiterns - Eine Event-Ethnographie“ is an ethnographic analysis of an eventseries that offers a public stage and visibility for the bodily and emotional practices of ‚failed‘ people. Those events are places for the interaction and negotiation of ‘failure’ and normative questions of how failure and the failed should be treated.

Within the DFG-funded project "From the Era of the Witness to Digital Remembrance" I will keep working on the nexus of practice theory and anthropology of emotions. Within this framework I inquire into the transformations of practices of remembrance caused by digital media on sites of memorial, such as virtual tours through archives or augmented reality tools on historic sites of the Holocaust. Furthermore, I am the coordinator of the Israeli-German research project. I am also member of the Digital Anthropology Lab.

In the past I have worked as research and student assistant with Prof. Monique Scheer, as lecturer at the University of Tübingen and coordinator of different international projects.


2019 - 2022 research assistant with Prof. Dr. Monique Scheer and teacher at Ludwig-Uhland- Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Tübingen.

In 2022 project coordinator of Hub II „Society, Culture, Heritage” of the European University Alliance CIVIS with Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich (Deutsches Seminar, University of Tübingen)

2019 - 2021 Scholarship holder of the Landesgraduiertenförderung Baden-Württemberg (LGFG)

2018/2019 coordinator of the International Summer School "Problematizing Morality - Ethnographic Approaches to the Normative Dimensions of Everyday Life," in Tübingen, student assistant (including the project “Religion and Public Memory in Multicultural Societies” (Prof. Scheer/ Prof. Klassen)

2011-2016, MA in Historical and Cultural Anthropology at Tübingen University, incl. stay abroad at Universitetet i Oslo, Norway

2008 - 2011 BA Cultural Studies at the University of Koblenz with a focus on ethnology, media studies and philosophy

Professional experience outside academia:

- 2022 to 2023 Officer in the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden Württemberg for Popular Culture and International Cultural Relations

- 2009-2019 freelance and part-time work as Editor/online marketing consultant

- Internships and “FSJ Kultur” in cultural administration and a radio station



At International conferences:


„Who cares about failure? Exploring Emotional Practices of Working Against Shame on Stage”, Online-Talk at the annual conference of the European Association of Social Anthropology, Belfast (Panel 114 “Emotions and the powers of care. Sensing, judging, or rejecting asymmetric encounters”), 26.07.2022

„Research Failure – What rules make an authentic experience?”, Online-Talk at the conference of the International Society for Ethnology and Folklore SIEF, 19.- 24.6.2021, Panel Know02: Research at the margins (digital), 21.06.2021