Institute of Art History

Tübinger Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft e. V. (TKG)

Photographies of the course of lectures: Architecture today


In 1973 the „Tübinger Kunstgeschichtliche Gesellschaft e.V.“ was founded as a friends association for the Institute of Art History and the Graphic Collection of the University of Tübingen. In the statutes of the association the main objective is “to strengthen the scientific interest in art history especially in the region of Southern Germany. Especially the Institute of Art History at the University of Tübingen and its scientific work in research and academic training is being supported.” The association pursues exclusively and directly charitable purposes. The association regularly supports the library and the Graphic Collection of the Institute of Art History.
The TKG offers its members lectures, excursions and guided tours in exhibitions during the semester. Members have the possibility to use the library at the Institute of Art History. Programs and membership applications can be requested at the association office. We look forward to welcoming you as members of the TKG.


Board of Directors

Ariane Koller

Dr. Ariane Koller


Prof. Dr. Anna Pawlak


Dr. Ursula Schwitalla




Association Office

Bianca Eckle
Kunsthistorisches Institut
Bursagasse 1
72070 Tübingen
Tel. (Sekretariat KHI): (07071) 29-78557
E-Mail: tkgspam



Would you like to become a member of the TKG? Here you can download the German Membership application.

Kreissparkasse Tübingen (BIC: SOLADES1TUB)
IBAN: DE14 6415 0020 0000 6155 50