Courses of Studies
Bachelor Studies
Informationen zur Zulassung und Erstellung der BA-Arbeit
Formular für die Anmeldung der BA-Arbeit
Neuer BA-Studiengang (ab Wintersemester 2020/21)
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den BA-Studiengang ab WS 2020/21 - Besonderer Teil
- Modulhandbuch BA-Hauptfach
- Modulhandbuch BA-Nebenfach
BA-Studiengang (ab Wintersemester 2012/13 bis Sommersemester 2020)
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den BA-Studiengang WS 2012/13-SoSe 2020 - Besonderer Teil
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den BA- Studiengang WS 2012/13-SoSe 2020 - Allgemeiner Teil
- Modulhandbuch BA-Hauptfach
- Modulhandbuch BA-Nebenfach
- Tabellarische Übersicht BA-Hauptfach
- Tabellarische Übersicht BA-Nebenfach
Please note:
- Courses to complete the orientation exam, e.g. courses of the 1st year of studies, need to be completed by end of the 3rd year of studies to be eligible for exams.
- Courses to complete the mid-studies exam (Zwischenprüfung), e.g. courses of the 1st and 2nd year of studies, need to be completed by the end of the 6th semester to be eligible for exams.
Master Studies
MA-Studiengang (ab Sommesemester 2020)
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den neuen MA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte
Modulhandbuch des neuen MA-Studiengangs
MA-Studiengang (Sommersemester 2013 bis Wintersemester 2019/20)
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den MA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - Besonderer Teil
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den MA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - Allgemeiner Teil
- Modulhandbuch des MA-Studiengangs
- Tabellarische Übersicht des MA-Studiengangs
- Informationen zur Anmeldung und Zulassung zur Masterprüfung
Masterprofil "Museum & Collections"
Prof. Dr. Ernst Seidl, phone +49 (0)7071 29-74134, E-Mail: ernst.seidl[at]
Prof. Dr. Thomas Thiemeyer, phone +49 (0)7071 29-75309, E-Mail: thomas.thiemeyer[at]
In the winter semester 2016/17, the University of Tübingen started a new focus area for studies, supported by Baden-Württemberg’s Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts: With the profile line “Museums & Collections” as part of existing Master Studies programs, several subjects in the Faculty of the Humanities and the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences are cooperating with the University of Tübingen Museum (MUT). They offer their students a focus on museum theory, collection science and practical museum work.
The current courses offered for this master profile can be found here.
Participating subjects and admission requirements
Starting in the winter semester 2016/2017 the subjects Art History, Musicology, Historical and Cultural Anthropology, Classical Archaeology, Ancient Near Eastern studies and Prehistoric and Medieval Archaeology are part of the Master profile. The admission requirements are the same as for each of the involved Master studies. As it is a profile and not a separate course of studies there are no additional admission regulations for "Museum & Collections".
The Tübingen profile line distinguishes itself through the combination of already existing museological and collection oriented specialized courses and their connection with the possibilities and competencies of the MUT regarding museology and collections. The practical aspects of this profile and its realization relies on the singular stock of 65 scientific University collections, unique in Germany. The studies aim at providing each specialized course of study with a profile in theoretical and practical museology without excluding scientifical studies. The special focus area can be documented in the Master certificate.
Structure of the Master profile
The students can select the profile "Museum & Collections" at the beginning of their respective subject studies, at the latest when starting their second Master semester. The modules cover 30 of the 120 performance points in the master studies. For the profile line the following sequential modules are mandatory (in German language):
- MuSa-01: „Museumsgeschichte und -theorie“ (two semester with lecture and seminar)
- MuSa-02: „Studienprojekt Museum & Sammlungen“ (two semester practical project)
- MuSa-03: „Ausstellung und Sammlungen im disziplinären Kontext“ (one semester collection relevant and specialized lecture)
Module handbook of the Master profile "Museum & Collections" (current version - November 2017)
Studien- und Prüfungsordnung des Masterprofils "Museum & Sammlungen" - Allgemeiner Teil S. 432f., Besonderer Teil S. 434-436
The academic advisory service can provide additional information regarding the course of studies and the integration of the master profile into the overall master currriculum:
Dr. Marcel Finke, phone +49 (0)7071 29-75355, marcel.finke[at]
Dr. Daniela Wagner, phone +49 (0)7071 29-75304, daniela.wagner[at]
Office hours by appointment.
Academic Advice for Bachelor Minor subject and Master additional module Art History with regard to the TübAix course of studies:
Dr. Steffen Zierholz, Tel. +49 (0)7071 29-75355, E-Mail: Dr. Steffen Zierholz
TübAix course of studies starting winter semester 2013/14
Doctorate studies
The doctorate regulations provided by the Faculty of Humanities and further details about the doctorate process are available here.
Postdoctorate Studies
The current postdoctorate regulations can be viewed here.
Former Courses of studies
Please find all details in German language.
New Bachelor Studies (as of winter semester 2012/13)
Since the winter semester 2012/13 new study and exam regulations for Bachelor Studies are in place (in German):
- Neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den BA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - Besonderer Teil
- Neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den BA- Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - Allgemeiner Teil
Module handbook of the new Bachelor studies:
Tabellarische Übersichten des neuen BA-Studiengangs:
BA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte – alte Version Wintersemester 2010/11 bis Sommersemester 2012
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung: Besonderer Teil für das Fach Kunstgeschichte
- Modulhandbuch BA-Hauptfach
- Modulhandbuch BA-Nebenfach
- Tabellarische Übersicht BA-Hauptfach
- Tabellarische Übersicht BA-Nebenfach
BA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - alte Version bis zum Sommersemester 2010
MA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - alte Version bis zum Wintersemester 2012/13
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung für den alten MA-Studiengang Kunstgeschichte - Besonderer Teil
- Modulhandbuch des alten MA-Studiengangs
- Tabellarische Übersicht des alten MA-Studiengangs