Institute of Prehistory, Early History and Medieval Archaeology

Structure of the Institute

The institute of Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology has its origin in the fusion of two institutes in 1994. These two had their origin in the structural changes of the university after the Second Worldwar: the Institute for Prehistory (Geoscientific Faculty) and the Institute for Protohistory (Art Faculty).
The existing outline maintained for teaching and research. The departments are:

1. Department of Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology

Because of the scientific components belonged this department to the Geoscientific Faculty. Since October 1st 2010 the department belongs to the Mathematical-Scientific Faculty.

2. Department of Prehistory and Early History

Since 2004 belongs the new professorship Archaeometry/ Archaeometallurgy to this department.

3. Department of Medieval Archaeology

Independet department since 2000.

4. Institute for Archaeological Sciences

An interfaculty institute with the involvment of the institute of Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology.
Link for the homepage

5. Archeaometry Research Group

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Since the Winter term 2010/2011 the departments 2 and 3 belong to the Arts Faculty (Information at the homepage of the Arts Faculty).
Students of the Prehistory and Medieval Archaeology have to make the decision to which faculty they want belong to. For students of the Protohistory and Medieval Archaeology is the Arts Faculty usefull. For students with the focus on Early Prehistory and Quaternary Ecology it is the assignment to the Mathematical-Scientific Faculty.
You can change your dicision in the course of your study.