ASC Conference 2023
The annual conference of the ASC (Arbeitskreis Sozialwissenschaftliche Chinaforschung, DGA) this year was hosted by Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert, Chair of Greater China Studies, and took place on the 23rd and 24th of November at the University of Tübingen. The agenda consisted of five panels covering the topics of 'International Political Economy and IR,' 'Digitalization and the (Chinese Party-)State,' 'Political Steering under Xi Jinping,' 'Local Politics and Central-Local Relations,' and 'Censorship and Surveillance.' These panels were chaired by Tobias ten Brink (Constructor University), Margot Schüller (GIGA), Björn Alpermann (University of Würzburg), Doris Fischer (University of Würzburg), and Ryanne Flock (University of Würzburg). In each panel, discussants presented and commented on the conference papers, which included two contributions from our PhD candidates, Abbey Heffer and Joachim Brinkmann, before participants engaged in lively discussions. Overall, the ASC Conference was characterized by timely papers that reflected the current important debates within social science research on China.
GCS Colloquium Summer 2022
Join us for our GCS Colloquium this summer term.
You can find the Programme and details here.
BMBF Project Taiwan as a Pioneer at ERCCT
We welcome Dr. Amélie Keyser-Verrault as new member of our team! Dr. Keyser-Verrault is responsible for the BMBF Project "Taiwan as a Pioneer" as a postdoc fellow at ERCCT in Tübingen. You can find more information on the project here.
New monograph published
September 2020
Prof. Gunter Schubert has published a new monograph, co-written with his longterm colleague Thomas Heberer from the University of Duisburg-Essen. This book is the result of several years of intensive fieldwork in some 15 provinces and municipalities across China on the political agency of private entrepreneurs and contemporary state-business relations in the PRC. It offers a new perspective on the dynamics of "Chinese capitalism", challenging a number of well-established assumptions on the political influence of private entrepreneurs in a changing Chinese economy.
Klausurergebnisse Vorlesung Prof. Schubert SoSe 2019
Hier finden Sie die Ergebnisse der Abschlussklausur zur Vorlesung "Politische Geschichte Taiwans" aus dem Sommersemester 2019 bei Prof. Gunter Schubert.
Young Scholars Workshop
The ERCCT organises a yearly Young Scholars Workshop, so Ph.D. students (3rd year and above) and postdocs of the social sciences working on academic projects related to Taiwan or China are invited to submit their application.
The workshop will provide young scholars with the opportunity to:
- present their research to an international audience;
- engage in scholarly exchange on topics related to theory and methodology;
- fine-tune the theoretical framework of their respective research projects;
- write an article on their research for publication in the Journal of Current Chinese Affairs;
- get to know Tuebingen and its University in a two-day excursion;
Ten to twelve young scholars (five-six each from Europe and Taiwan) will be invited to attend.
Travel expenses and accommodation will be fully covered by the ERCCT.
ERCCT Visiting Fellows Winter Term 2016/17
The selection of applicants for the Visiting Fellow Programme in winter term 2016/17 has been finalized: Dr. Chen Yueh-Ching, from the Institute of Political Science at National Sun Yat-Sen University, Kaohsiung, will visit the ERCCT from November 22 to December 23, 2016, and Ms. Chang Ti-Han from the Institute of Transcultural and Transtextual Studies at Université Lyon III Jean Moulin (France) will visit the ERCCT from October 17 to November 13, 2016.
Courses Winter Term 2016/17
Our upcoming courses in winter term 2016/17 can be found here.
EATS Newsletter No. 8 Published
Issue no. 8 of the European Association of Taiwan Studies' newsletter "EATS News" has just been published and documents very well the vibrancy of Taiwan Studies in Europe. It is available for download here:
11th Edition of the Taiwan Documentary Film Festival
The European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan is delighted to announce the finalised programme of the 2016 Taiwan Documentary Film Festival, taking place on July 1-2 in Tübingen.
This year's edition features seven documentary films that shed light on important personalities of Taiwan's recent political history. The selection of documentaries covers, among others, the lives and achievements of the revolutionary Su Beng, the rights activist Cheng Nan-Jung and former President Lee Teng-hui. Further films document the social struggles of Taiwan's vibrant civil society, such as in the field of environmental protection.
Guest Filmmakers Chen Lih-Kuei 陳麗貴 and Lee Yung-Chuan 李泳泉 will be present on both days of the festival and look forward to participate in Q&A sessions related to their films.
The feature film Parking 停車 by Chung Mong-hong 鍾孟宏 will close the first day of the festival..
For further information on all the films and the invited filmmakers, please refer to the PDF version of the festival programme.
Compact Course "Taiwan in der regionalen Wirtschaftsintegration Ostasiens"
Prof. Dr. Shen Cen-Chu from the Graduate Institute of National Policy and Public Affairs at the National Chung Hsing University (Taichung, Taiwan), currently visiting scholar at the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (CCKF-ERCCT) will hold a compact course from Thursday, July 14 to Saturday, July 16 and from Thursday, July 21 to Friday, July 22:
Taiwan in der regionalen Wirtschaftsintegration Ostasiens
Thursday, July 14, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.;
Friday, July 15, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.;
Saturday, July 16, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.;
Thursday, July 21, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.;
Friday, July 22, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Place: Room 135 in the CCKF-ERCCT, Keplerstrasse 2.
The course will be credited with 6 ECTS points and is open for all MA students.
Please register for participation until June 10 (stefan.braig).
Book launch: Democracy in China / Cross-Strait Relations
The European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan in collaboration with the team of Greater China Studies happily invites you to a book launch (see poster above) on next Friday, 17 June 2016, 2.15 pm. The event will take place at HS 04, Neue Aula building.
New book edited by Prof. Gunter Schubert: Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan
The Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (edited by Prof. Gunter Schubert) has been published today! The handbook offers:
"[...] a comprehensive overview of both contemporary Taiwan and the Taiwan studies field. Each contribution summarises the major findings in the field and highlights long-term trends, recent observations and possible future developments in Taiwan. Written by an international team of experts, the chapters included in the volume form an accessible and fascinating insight into contemporary Taiwan. Up-to-date, interdisciplinary, and academically rigorous, the handbook will be of interest to students, academics, policymakers and others in search of reliable information on Taiwanese politics, economics, culture and society."
Please click on the right picture for a closer look at the contents. With the book's promotion flyer you can get a 20% discount when purchasing via the Routledge website.
New Thesis in GCS Master Thesis Collection
Yao Yixin's master thesis (in German) can now be found in our Master Thesis Collection:
"Freihandel als Strategie chinesischer Außenpolitik: Bestandsaufnahme und Analyse"
Compact Course "Women in Taiwanese Democracy"
Prof. Dr. Huang Chang-Ling from the Department of Political Science an der National Taiwan University (Taipei), currently visiting scholar at the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (CCKF-ERCCT) will hold a compact course on Thursday, June 30 and Friday, July 1:
Women in Taiwanese Democracy
Thursday, June 30: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday, July 1: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Place: Room 135 in the CCKF-ERCCT, Keplerstrasse 2.
The course will be credited with 4 ECTS points and is open for all MA students.
Please register for participation until June 3 (stefan.braig).
Thanks and farewell to Chen Li-Yi
The European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) bids farewell to Chen Li-Yi, its long-standing resident fellow and support team member who has returned to Taiwan recently in order to write up his thesis and join his family. The ERCCT feels highly grateful to him for eight years of indefatigable service and efficient work on the website and maintenance of all electronic devices and communication systems, in addition to being a wonderful friend. We wish him all the best in Taiwan and look very much forward to having him back in Tübingen for his next visit.
New Staff Members at GCS
We welcome Meng Ye and Sascha Zhivkov as new research assistants and Sara Egenhofer as new student helper! Sabrina Habich left Tübingen and now enriches the Department of Sinology at the University of Vienna – we wish her all the best!
New Thesis in GCS Master Thesis Collection
Maximilian Westphal's master thesis (in German) can now be found in our Master Thesis Collection:
Film Presentation "Children of the Sun", April 20
The European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan will show the Taiwanese film "Children of the Sun" on next Wednesday, 8 p.m., at Tübingen's "Kino Arsenal" cinema (entrance fee: 3 Euros). The directors will be present and answer questions after the screening.
Courses Summer Term 2016
Our upcoming courses in summer term 2016 can be found here.
Tübingen Delegation Visits National Taiwan University
A delegation led by the president of Tübingen University, Prof. Dr. Bernd Engler, visited National Taiwan University on March 3rd. Among other issues, both sides appreciated the close relations between the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) and various NTU institutions. Cooperation agreements have been signed between the ERCCT and the College of Social Sciences, the Department of Political Science and the Department of Sociology in 2008 already. In 2011, another agreement was signed between the ERCCT and NTU's College of Law. Since then, numerous PhD students, Postdocs and faculty members of these partners have visited Tübingen, while ERCCT research fellows have been affiliated to them as visiting scholars when conduction fieldwork in Taiwan.
Elena Meyer-Clement becomes Assistant Professor in Berlin
On 1 February, our longtime staff member Dr. Elena Meyer-Clement has started her new post as Assistant Professor at Freie Universität Berlin, with a focus on China's society and economy. We sincerely thank her for her work in Tübingen and wish her all the best in Berlin!
Public Lecture by Franziska Plümmer About Chinese Borders
On Thursday, February 4, Franziska Plümmer will hold a public lecture with the title:
Chinese Borders in Motion
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038, 8 p.m.
Public Lecture by Prof. Ann Heylen about Dutch Manuscripts from 17th-Century Formosa
On Thursday, January 28, Prof. Ann Heylen from the Graduate Institute of Taiwan Culture, Language and Literature at the National Taiwan Normal University (Taipei) will hold a public lecture with the title:
Spatial Humanities Going Dutch: Historical Mapping of 17th-Century Formosa Manuscripts
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038, 6 p.m.
New Thesis in GCS Master Thesis Collection
Laura Feyrer's master thesis (in German) can now be found in our Master Thesis Collection:
Public Lecture by Peter M. Kuhfus About New Publication on Chinese-Soviet Relations
On Thursday, January 14, Peter M. Kuhfus will hold a public lecture (in German) with the title:
Fundgrube mit Fragezeichen: 俄罗斯解密档案选编: 中苏关系. 12 Bde. Shanghai 2015
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038, 8 p.m.
New Year Greetings
The Chair of Greater China Studies wishes a "Happy New Year!" und all students good luck for the remaining weeks of the term!
Taiwan and the "China Impact": New Book Edited by Prof. Gunter Schubert
Prof. Gunter Schubert has edited a new book within the Research on Taiwan series at Routledge:
Taiwan and the "China Impact": Challenges and Opportunities
About the book:
"This book analyses the ‘China impact’ on Taiwan in terms of its social, political and security space from both an empirical and conceptual point of view. It is the first comprehensive account of China’s multifaceted impact on the politics and society of contemporary Taiwan, written by renowned scholars from Taiwan, Europe and the U.S. The book covers a wide range of topics including Taiwan’s party alignment, elections, generational politics, cross-strait political economy, immigration policy and security. The contributors, political scientists and sociologists, highlight both the dangers and the opportunities of the ‘China impact’ for Taiwan and draw a realistic picture of the island republic’s current situation and future options in the shadow of its giant neighbour.
Based on qualitative and quantitative data, this volume intends to fill a gap in the Taiwan studies field by studying the ‘China impact’ on Taiwan’s politics and society systematically and from a comparative perspective. By doing so, it will be of great interest to students and scholars of Taiwan studies, and East Asian politics and society more generally."
Public Lectures by Prof. Dr. Maté Szabó about Taiwans Sunflower Movement and Democratic Transition
The European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT) invites you to two public lectures by Prof. Dr. Maté Szabó, Institute for Political Science, Eötvös Loránd-University, Budapest:
Sunflower Movement under Western Eyes: from the Perspective of Social Movement Research
Tuesday, November 17, 6 p.m., Keplerstraße 2, room 038
Transition to Democracy: Taiwan / South East Asia-Hungary/Eastern Europe - a Comparison
Thursday, November 19, 6 p.m., Keplerstraße 2, room 038
Compact Course "Human Rights in Taiwan Today"
Dr. Linda Arrigo from the Institute of the Humanities in Medicin, Taipei Medical University, currently visiting scholar at the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (CCKF-ERCCT) will hold a compact course on Friday, November 6:
Human Rights in Taiwan Today: Historical Advances, Erosion below the Surface
Time: Friday, 11.6.: 9–1 a.m. and 2-6 p.m.
Place: Room 135 in the CCKF-ERCCT, Keplerstrasse 2.
The course will be credited with 4 ECTS points and is open for all MA students.
Please register for participation until November 2 (stefan.braig).
Public Lectures by Dr. Linda Arrigo about Taiwans Women and the Independence Movement
We warmly invite you to two public lectures by Dr. Linda Arrigo from Taiwan:
11.3.: "Taiwan Women in Long-Term Perspective: From 1950's 'Adopting a Daughter to Marry a Son (as Household Slave)' to 2000's Refusal of Marriage and Childbearing", 6. p.m., room 30, Wilhelmstrasse 133
11.5.: "The Taiwan Independence Movement in Long-Term Perspective: Will the Sunflower Student Movement Make Any Impact on US Indifference and Chinese Bullying?", 6 p.m., room 38, Keplerstrasse 2
Begin Winter Term 2015/16
Dear students,
the winter term 2015/16 starts on Monday, October 12. That day all GCS courses will be briefly introduced at the Department of Chinese Studies, Wilhelmstrasse 133, room 30, 10-12 a.m. (s.t.), see the timetable below. Please be aware that all of our courses start in the term's second week (beginning October 19) and that some take place at Keplerstr. 2 (not Wilhelmstrasse 133), please have a look at our courses overview for further detail.
Good luck for the new term!
Ablaufplan Einführungsveranstaltung WS 15/16
Mo 12.10., 10-12 Uhr s.t., Wilhelmstraße 133, Raum 30
10:00-10:30 Haupt- und Nebenfach BA, BEd 1. Semester (einschl. IBA- u. IE-Studierende mit Schwerpunkt China)
10:30-11:00 Nebenfach BA 3. Semester (einschl. IBA- u. IE-Studierende mit Schwerpunkt China)
11:00-11:30 Haupt- und Nebenfach BA, BEd 5. Semester (einschl. IBA- u. IE-Studierende m. Schwerpunkt China), BA mit berufspraktischem Schwerpunkt 7. Semester
11:30-12:00 Studierende im MA, MEd
M.A. PGO: Courses for Winter Term 2015/16
All upcoming winter term courses for the M.A. programme "Politik und Gesellschaft Ostasiens" are now online.
New Student Assistant
We welcome Ms. Meng Ye as new GCS staff member! She is enrolled in the MA programme "Politik und Gesellschaft Ostasiens" and works as student assistant at the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan.
Upcoming Courses Winter Term 2015/16
Our upcoming courses in winter term 2015/16 can be found here - please be aware that some courses will take place at Keplerstr. 2 and that all courses will start in the term's second week (beginning October 19).
Public Lecture Overview for July 2015
During the next weeks of July there will be the following public lectures organized by GCS / ERCCT or held by its staff members:
"The Legal Relationship between the Two Sides of the Taiwan Strait - From the Perspective of Taiwan's Constitution" (in English)
Prof. Hsu Tzong-li; Tuesday, July 7, 6 p.m.; Keplerstr. 2, room 038
"China’s Political Perspective since the 18th CPC National Congress" (in Chinese)
Prof. Chang Xinxin; Wednesday, July 8, 6 p.m.; Keplerstr. 2, room 038
"Die politische Rolle und Bedeutung des Privatunternehmertums im China der Gegenwart: Auf dem Weg zu einer 'Strategischen Gruppe'?" (in German)
Prof. Gunter Schubert; July 15, 4 p.m.; Institute for Political Science, room 124
"Wasser in Chinas Südwesten – Quelle sozialer und wirtschaftlicher Ungleichheit" (in German)
Sabrina Habich, PhD/NCCU; July 15, 6 p.m.; Kupferbau, lecture room 22
Compact Course by Dr. Leung Wing-Fai: Multimedia Stardom in Hong Kong - Image, Performance and Identity
Dr. Leung Wing-Fai from University College Cork, Ireland, currently visiting scholar at the ERCCT, will give a compact course from Thursday, June 18 to Saturday, June 5 on the topic:
Multimedia Stardom in Hong Kong - Image, Performance and Identity
The schedule is:
Thu, June 18, 4 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Fri, June 19, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat, June 20, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Room 135, European Research Center On Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT), Keplerstr. 2, second floor.
The course is credited with 5 ECTS points and open for master students enrolled in M.A. Chinese Studies or M.A. Politics and Society of East Asia.
For further info and registration please contact Mr. Stefan Braig: stefan.braig(at)
Taiwan Documentary Film Festival 2015, June 26-27
Setting forth the last years' tradition, the European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan holds a film festival with documentaries from Taiwan at the end of June. It will take place on Friday, June 26 and Saturday, June 27 at lecture room 001 in Keplerstr. 2. The admission is 4 € and includes a typical Taiwanese snack on Friday.
The programme (also see the flyer):
June 26
14:30-14:45 Welcoming Remarks
14:45-15:35 1. The Pigeon Game, Shen Ko-Shang, 48 min.
15:35-15:45 Pause
15:45-17:15 2. Baseball Boys, Shen Ko-Shang, 87 min.
17:15-17:30 3. Fading, Shen Ko-Shang, 15 min.
17:30-17:40 Pause
17:40-18:10 Discussion
18:10-18:40 Taiwanese Food
18:45-20:30 Feature Movie: The Terrorizers, Edward Yang , 109 min.
June 27
10:30-12:15 4. Bridge over Troubled Water, Yang Li-Chou, 104 min.
12:15-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:20 5. Civil Disobedience, Chen Yu-Ching, 52 min.
14:20-14:30 Pause
14:30-15:40 6. A Rolling Stone, Shen Ko-Shang, 54 min.
15:40-16:30 Discussion and Closing Remarks
Public Lecture by Dr. Leung Wing-Fai: A Tech Sector in Transition - Taiwan's Internet and Mobile Startup Eco-system
Dr. Leung Wing-Fai from the department for Contemporary Chinese Studies, University College Cork, Ireland, will give a public lecture on Thursday, June 18, 6 p.m.:
A Tech Sector in Transition: Taiwan's Internet and Mobile Startup Eco-system
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038.
Public Lecture by Prof. Sun Mine-ping: Citizen Journalism - Local voices and social actions in Taiwan
Prof. Sun Mine-ping from the School of Journalism, College of Communication (National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan), currently visiting scholar at the ERCCT, will give a public lecture on Thursday, June 11, 8 p.m.:
Citizen Journalism: Local voices and social actions in Taiwan
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038.
Compact Course by Prof. Sun Mine-ping: Community and Ethnicity in Taiwanese Media - a Case Study from Hua-lien County
Prof. Sun Mine-ping from the School of Journalism, College of Communication (National Cheng-chi University, Taiwan), currently visiting scholar at the ERCCT, will give a compact course on Wednesday, June 3, Friday, June 5, Saturday, June 6 on the topic:
Community and Ethnicity in Taiwanese Media: a Case Study from Hua-lien County
The schedule is:
Wed, June 3, 4 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Fri, June 5, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat, June 6, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Room 135, European Research Center On Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT), Keplerstr. 2, second floor.
The course is credited with 5 ECTS points and open for master students enrolled in M.A. Chinese Studies or M.A. Politics and Society of East Asia.
For further info and registration please contact Mr. Stefan Braig: stefan.braig(at)
New Thesis in GCS Master Thesis Collection
Mr. Peter Schuett's master thesis (in German) can now be found in our Master Thesis Collection:
Compact Course by Prof. Lee Zong-rong: Business Networks in Taiwan
Prof. Lee Zong-rong from the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, currently visiting scholar at the ERCCT, will give a compact course from Thursday, May 21 to Saturday, May 23 on the topic:
Business Networks in Taiwan: a Sociological Understanding of Corporate Market Behavior
The schedule is:
Thu, May 21, 4 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Fri, May 22, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m.
Sat, May 23, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Room 135, European Research Center On Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT), Keplerstr. 2, second floor.
The course is credited with 5 ECTS points and open for master students enrolled in M.A. Chinese Studies or M.A. Politics and Society of East Asia.
For further info and registration please contact Mr. Stefan Braig until May 17: stefan.braig(at)
Public Lecture by Prof. Lee Zong-rong: Kinship, Class and Political Cohesion among Business Elites in Taiwan
Prof. Lee Zong-rong from the Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan, currently visiting scholar at the ERCCT, will give a public lecture on Tuesday, May 19, 6 p.m.:
Kinship, Class and Political Cohesion among Business Elites in Taiwan
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038.
Public Lecture by Prof. Yu Junbo: China's Public Servant Recruitment from Top Universities
Prof. Yu Junbo from the School of Administration at Jilin University, China, currently visiting scholar at the Chair of Greater China Studies, will give a public lecture (in Chinese) on Thursday, May 7, 8 p.m.:
China's Public Servant Recruitment from Top Universities: Policy Innovation or a Waste of Talents?
The venue is Keplerstr. 2, room 038.
Compact Course by Prof. Yu Junbo: Cadre Management in China
Prof. Yu Junbo from the School of Administration at Jilin University, China, currently visiting scholar at the Chair of Greater China Studies, will give a compact course from Friday, May 8 to Sunday, May 10 on the topic:
Cadre Management in China
The schedule is:
Fri, May 8, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sat, May 9, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sun, May 10, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Room 135, European Research Center On Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT), Keplerstr. 2, second floor.
The course is credited with 5 ECTS points and open for master students enrolled in M.A. Chinese Studies or M.A. Politics and Society of East Asia.
For further info and registration please contact Ms. Sabrina Habich until April 30:
Courses Summer Term 2015
Dear students,
the Chair of Greater China Studies wishes you a good start into summer term 2015! Our current courses can be found here - please be aware that some courses now will take place at Keplerstr. 2.
Prof. Gunter Schubert on "Has China Demolished the Taiwan Consensus?"
In a recently published blog article for the British China Policy Institute Prof. Gunter Schubert discusses the thesis that China's government had abandoned the "Taiwan Consensus" from 1992 (on the question whether Taiwan is a part of "China"): "Has China Demolished the Taiwan Consensus?"
Resarch Network "Governance in China": New background Paper by Elena Meyer-Clement
The research network "Governance in China" published a new background paper (No. 1/2015) by Elena Meyer-Clement (in German, about China's "new" urbanisation policy): "Was ist neu an Chinas Programm für 'neuartige Urbanisierung'?"
New Address for Chair of Greater China Studies
The Chair of Greater China Studies has moved to a new place in Tuebingen: Now the address is Keplerstr. 2, 72074 Tübingen.
New Paper in GCS Occasional Paper Series
There is a new paper in our Occasional Paper Series:
Anna L. Ahlers, Thomas Heberer & Gunter Schubert: 'Authoritarian Resilience' and Effective Policy Implementation in Contemporary China – A Local State Perspective
New Thesis in GCS Master Thesis Collection
Mr. Sascha Zhivkov's master thesis can now be found in our Master Thesis Collection:
GCS Courses in Winter Term 2014/15
Dear Students,
we wish you good luck for winter term 2014/15! The current courses you can find here.
Kulturwoche "Spotlight Taiwan": 07.07. - 14.07.2014
Konzerte, Lesungen, Vorträge:
Workshop on Dance of the Dai Ethnic Minority, June 28th
The ERCCT in cooperation with the Chair of Greater China Studies organizes a workshop on the Dance of the Dai Ethnic minority to be held by Ms. I-Wen Chang of the Department of World Arts and Cultures/Dance, University of California at Los Angeles on Saturday, June 28th, 6 to 8 p.m.
The Workshop will be held in English and is going to teach the basic elements of the dance of the chinese Dai ethnic minority (Yunnan) as well as simple choreography and sets out to problematize notions of the "authentic" and "traditional" in Chinese dance, as well as the idea of national identity constructed through Chinese dance in both China and Taiwan.
Participation is free of charge.
Venue: Gymnastics Hall (Gymnastikhalle), Institute of Sport Science, Wilhelmstr. 124, 72074 Tübingen
Anyone interested in taking part in the workshop, please sign up with a short e-mail to the ERCCT.
Public Lecture Prof. Shih Chih-Yu - "The Will of the Weak to Confront the Strong: Theoretical Implications from a Taiwan Poll", June 27th
Prof. Shih Chih-Yu, Department of Political Science, National Taiwan University (Taiwan). The venue will be:
June 24th, 6:00 pm, Room 62, Wilhelmstraße 133
Public Lecture Prof. Alex Tan - "Tipping the Scale: PLA’s Modernization and Cross-Straits Relations", June 24th
Prof. Alex Tan, Department of Political Science, University of Canterbury (New Zeeland), currently Visiting Scholar at ERCCT. The venue will be:
June 24th, 6:00 pm, Room 30, Wilhelmstraße 133
Public Lecture Prof. Alex Tan - "Hard Habit to Break? Organizational Learning of the KMT in Democratic Taiwan", June 18th
Prof. Alex Tan, Department of Political Science, University of Canterbury (New Zeeland), currently Visiting Scholar at ERCCT. The venue will be:
June 18th, 6:00 pm, Room 62, Wilhelmstraße 133
Public Lecture by Dr. Jonathan Sullivan: "The Rise and fall of President Ma: Implications for cross-Strait relations"
Dr. Jonathan Sullivan, University of Nottingham, currently visiting scholar at ERCCT. The venue will be:
Dec. 19th, 6:00 p.m. Room 30, Wilhelmstrasse 133, 72074 Tübingen
Public Lecture by Dr. Chen Chih-jou: “Survival Strategies, Workers’ Protests, and Labor Institutions of Taiwanese Businesses in China”
Dr. Chen Chih-jou, Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica, currently visiting scholar at ERCCT. The venue will be:
Dec. 17th, 6:00 p.m. Room 30, Wilhelmstrasse 133, 72074 Tübingen
Public Lecture by Chen Yu‐Wen: "Liberalized Aviation Policy in Greater China and Its Implications on Residents in Kinmen"
Dr. Chen Yu-wen, Department of Government at University College Cork, currently visiting scholar at ERCCT. The venue will be:
Dec. 10th, 6:00 p.m. Room 30, Wilhelmstrasse 133, 72074 Tübingen
ERCCT introduced to Students at NCHU's GIIP
On November 11th, Stefan Braig, after a friendly introduction by Prof. Tsai Tung-chieh, gave a talk at the ERCCT's partner institution, the Graduate Institute of International Relations of National Chung Hsing University in Taichung, to introduce the ERCCT and its various programmes to students there.
GCS Courses Winter Term 2013/14
For the courses taught by the Chair of Greater China Studies in winter term 2013/14 please see here.