Institute of Ancient History

The Lycia Project

Documentary Film: The Land of Sarcophagi - Field Research in Lycia

Along the southwestern coast of Turkey is a land of sarcophagi, a legendary land of Cyclopes and mythical heroes - Lycia. Today, the rocky, mountainous landscape is thinly populated and teeming with ancient ruins. A historical and archaeological adventure around every corner.

An international research team under the direction ofthe University of Tübingen is striving to shed light upon the settlementhistory of the romantic Lycian landscape.
The film camera was there tocapture a glimpse of:

Duration: 43'34''
Format: Betacam SP
Script and Direction: Christoph Würzburger
Camera: Martin Constien
Editing: Christoph Würzburger/Manfred Edel
Sound: Volker Hahn
Music: Günter Reznicek
Mixing: Wolfgang Frank.

PREMIERE: 16. 9. 1998 SWR 3 20.15 Uhr