Institute of Modern History

Social Formations

Performing navigational and hydrographical expertise

In my PhD project, I explore how the sailing masters of the eighteenth-century Royal Navy staged and performed their navigational and hydrographical expertise in the attempt to retain their authority in this hotly contested arena. (Lena Moser)

Speculation and stock market crashs

The project examines the two speculative bubbles and stock market crashes of 1825/1826 (state bonds) and 1835-1844 (railay mania) in Germany with a focus on threat communication, knowledge and coping practices. (Anna Weininger, Christoph Blum, Daniel Menning, SFB 923)

Archaeological Practice as Imperialism

The dissertation project examines German excavation practice in the Ottoman Empire between 1870 and 1914 with a focus on social history. (Julia Tubbesing)

Emotional Travels

This PhD project analyzes tourism to the Caribbean and the Mediterranean in the 19th-20th centuries as a form of emotional practice, demonstrating how tourists and locals negotiated and experienced emotion through their behaviors on holiday. (Ruby Guyot)


End of Empire

Our project examines the impact of the end of the British Empire on the former settler colonies of Australia and New Zealand, paying particular attention to practices of belonging and their perception of the South Pacific Islands in times of change. (Miriam Adler, Sabrina Jost, SFB 923)

A Crucible of Mobilities

The dissertation project examines colonial conceptions of belonging and alienness against the background of political refugee movements during the Age of Revolutions. It focuses on the interactions of refugees from revolution with the Jamaican host society in the urban context of the port city of Kingston. (Jannik Keindorf)

Federal Integration and Poor Relief in Reutlingen

The PhD project analyses the development of Reutlingen's poor relief system within the context of the German Empire's integrative legislation; the everyday life and experiences of relief recipients within this context are of particular interest for the project. (Thore Menze)

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