Doctoral Students/PhD supervision
Renate Dürr is currently the primary adviser of the following doctoral candidates: Lena Moser (scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation) is investigating the importance of sailing masters in the Royal Navy for the spread of knowledge in the “long” eighteenth century; Marlene Kessler is tracing significant individuals in Paris during and after the speculative bubbles of 1720 (sub-project E04 of the CRC “Threatened Orders”); Marie Schreier’s research deals with Panama in the age of the Scottish Darién Scheme around the turn of the eighteenth century (sub-project F04 of the CRC “Threatened Orders”); and Robert Mađarić's (DFG research group “Religious Knowledge”) dissertation project investigates the Jewish–Christian intellectual exchange in the seventeenth century using the example of Jacob Judah Leon's model of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Completed dissertations