The Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Tübingen (IAAT) participates in the instrument data handling units (I-DHUs, instrument computers).
The observing strategy of THESEUS is as follows: New transient events are localized with SXI and XGIS. The SXI can be triggered by many classes of phenomena (e.g. flare stars, X-ray bursts, GRBs etc.). XGIS can then help identify high energy transients (GRBs, Soft Gamma-ray Repeaters etc.). Therefore, parallel to the selection by the SXI-DHU, additional trigger conditions from the XGIS-DHU are looked at. On top of that, there are autonomous XGIS-GRB trigger conditions based on data rate and/or images. The figure on the right shows an overview of the I-DHU operation modes and transitions.
Once the trigger conditions are satisfied, the corresponding data is sent to the on-board data handling (OBDH), whose logic then selects the events to be followed–up by the IRT. These can be events that have been recognized to be unknown transients with SXI or events imaged with the XGIS that satisfy all the XGIS trigger conditions.
Each of the three instruments will have a dedicated I-DHU that will be its telecommand (TC), telemetry (TM) and power interface to the spacecraft. The mechanical and electrical design, operating system and basic software that is running on the Processor Board of the I-DHUs will be the same for all instruments. Additionally there will be an instrument-specific data processing software with, for example, the trigger algorithms and event detection codes. The I-DHU consists of two main boards that are mounted inside an aluminum case.
The main functions of the I-DHU on-board software are: instrument control, health monitoring and science data processing, formatting. At the heart of the I-DHU design is the Processor Board. It hosts the central CPU, the mass memory, time synchronization and distribution circuits and the house keeping (HK)/health monitoring acquisition chain.
The Processor Board will be developed by the IAAT in Tübingen, Germany. The Power Board within the I-DHU will be developed by the Centrum Badan Kosmicznych, Poland. It will generate the voltages for the Processor Board and distribute the power to the instrument.