Institute for Neurobiology

Research interests

How does the brain work? How is sensory information processed to guide behavior successfully? Which computational tricks are applied by the nervous system to perform optimally?

Such questions drive me scientifically. In the first place I am electrophysiologist, that is, I record the electrical activity of nerve cells and investigate what the neuronal response tells about the stimulus. In this respect I focus on the processing of sensory information. 

We study the processing of electrosensory information in the weakly electric fish. These fish are an extraordinarily successful and important model system in neuroethology since it is possible to study neuronal activity in the context of its behavior. Much is known about the anatomy and the properties of the involved neurons. Nevertheless, many open questions remain...

Next to the scientific work I am an "open science" and "open data" aficionado. Since several years I collaborate with colleagues of the German Neuroinformatics Node (G-Node) located in Munich in the development of data models and software solutions facilitating automated and complete data annotation which is the basis for effective data sharing.


Bachelor- and Master's progamme

Extracurricular teaching

  • Organiser of the G-Node "Course on Neural Data Analysis" (2017, 2015, 2014)
  • Faculty member in the G-Node "Course on Neural Data Analysis" (2013, 2011)
  • Teaching assistant in the "Neural Systems and Behavior" summer school at the Marine Biological Laboratories in Woods Hole, MA, USA (2014, 2012, 2011)
  • Mentor in the Google Summer of Code programme (2017, 2016)

Curriculum vitae
