
Welcome to our study

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The team at your daycare may have already told you about our study and given you our information materials.
Below you will find more information about our study 
'Development and plasticity of multimodal communication during social behaviour in human children' by Wytse Wilhelm.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Wytse Wilhelm for questions in English or Ursula Münster for questions in German.

Development and plasticity of multimodal communication during social actions in human children

This project investigates individual flexibility and differences in early human communicative behaviour, focusing on the role of gestural and vocal communication in the coordination of social actions. We will use an integrated multimodal approach to assess differences between individuals, age groups and cultural backgrounds. Social interactions will be recorded in day-care centres in Germany and in BaYaka Mbendjele villages in Congo Brazzaville, with focal children between the ages of 1.5 and 2 years or 3 and 4 years. By providing new insights into the communicative plasticity of human children, we aim to better understand the influence of socio-environmental factors on the development of multimodal communication in human children. In later stages of the project, comparisons with several great ape species will provide a better understanding of the evolutionary trajectory of hominin behaviour and communication.

This research is part of Wytse Wilhelm's PhD project funded by a Freigeist Fellowship (VW Foundation) awarded to Dr. Marlen Fröhlich.Development and plasticity of multimodal communication during social actions in human children



What happens if a child whose parents have not consented to participate in the study is enrolled?

If a child whose parents have refused to participate in the study or to consent to the videotaping enters the recording, 
the recording will be immediately stopped and resumed only after the interaction with the child has ended.
The parts of the recording in which the child is visible will be deleted.


What happens if the majority of parents do not agree to participate in the study?

If too many parents do not agree to participate in our study, we will not be able to conduct a study in the respective group or institution, because we would probably have to delete too much video material.


Are the recordings stored securely?

The recordings are stored on external hard drives, which are kept in a locked cabinet in a locked office, to which only the members of our working group have access.


What happens to the recordings in the long term?

As soon as the videos are encoded, but at the latest at the end of the study, the recordings are completely deleted. 


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