Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics


i-RASE (Intelligent Radiation Sensor Readout System) aims to design, build, test, and implement the first on-the-fly photon-by-photon radiation detector with transformational potential for various radiation applications, such as medical imaging, industrial inspection, scientific space instrumentation, environmental monitoring, and more. 

The i-RASE project will develop physics-inspired artificial neural networks (ANNs) for comprehensive sensor signal processing (SP) and real-time (RT) measurement of radiation interactions. It will compact this technology into an ultimate vision for SP embedded in hardware (HW) as an "all-in-one" SIP, enabling cost- and energy-efficient detection and intelligent radiation data output with unparalleled accuracy and speed. This approach enhances measurement precision and speed by utilizing complex SP, event characterization, and on-the-fly processing of incident radiation-induced signals in near real-time. As a result, it facilitates the retrieval of comprehensive information on incident radiation, ultimately improving measurement accuracy and speed while reducing digital data output.

Nationale und Internationale Zusammenarbeit

  • DTU Space, Dänemark

Links & Quellen

Letztes Update 06/2024: Chris Tenzer