Chinese Studies


Sinological Colloquium "History and Culture of China" WS 2023-24

Tuesdays, 4 p.m. c.t., Wilhelmstraße 133, Room 30

Oct 24

Dr. ZHENG Cheng

Mapping Beijing 1688-1907: Czech Jesuits, Russian Priests and German Soldiers
Oct 31

ZHENG Xinyu M.A. (Tübingen University)

The System of Yunqi in Late Imperial China
Nov 21

Dr. CHEN Kaijun

Technocracy and Porcelain Manufacture at Early-mid Qing Court
Nov 28

JIANG Qingjun

Reshaping Masculinity during the Ming-Qing Transition Period (17th and 18th Centuries)
Dec 5

ZHANG Zhirui

On the Question of Wuxing: Perspectives on Antiquity in Modern China
Dec 12

Dr. XIN Fan


Emotions as Politics: Rethinking Chinese Nationalism

Patrick Aberle

Chinese Tallow Tree Cultivation in the Ming Dynasty
Jan 9

GU Zilin


Change of Wine Consumer Class since late Qing Dynasty: Observing the Popular Marketing Strategy of Zhangyu Company
Jan 16 

ZHAO Yawei

Cichen 词臣 and its Landscape Paintings in Qianlong Regence
Jan 23

Fabian Hiller

The Deismification of Zhang Taiyan. An Old-Text School Approach to the Life and Work of China’s last great Old-Text School Scholar
Jan 30

Hirotaka Kobayashi

Facing, Reforming and Bridging Medicines: Debates on Zhongyi, 1879-1936

