Department of History

In the development of the research stay it will be studied the social conditioning factors that deter-mined the access to and the exercise of the priestly office in late-antique Iberia, particularly between the 5th and 7th centuries. One of the main objectives to be pursued will be the identification of the institutional, social and cultural factors that influenced the appointment of priests in urban and rural contexts. This project thus follows in the wake of previous research focused primarily on the analysis of the leadership of bishops, with the different political and social dimensions that this took on, in the context following the fall of the Roman Empire in the West. Beyond the prominence of the bishops during Late Antiquity, in the last two years attention has also been focused on the presbyters who, like the bishops, also exercised social and religious leadership in their respective communities. Hav-ing analysed in recent months their role in urban and rural horizons, as well as the competitive dy-namics that were generated around their figures, throughout the stay at the MuM the aim is to delve deeper into the social and geographical origin of the presbyters, identifying the factors that deter-mined their access to the priestly office and, where appropriate, explore the conditions of social and spatial mobility.