Maienborn: Publications

2021 von Sobbe, Linda, Rolf Ulrich, Lea Gangloff, Edith Scheifele & Claudia Maienborn (2021). Is rushing always faster than strolling? A reaction time study on the processing of sentences containing manner of motion verbs. Acta Psychologica 221.
  von Sobbe, Linda, Claudia Maienborn, Fabiola Reiber, Edith Scheifele & Rolf Ulrich (2021). Speed or duration? Effects of implicit stimulus attributes on perceived duration. Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
2020 Maienborn, Claudia (2020). Revisiting Olga, the beautiful dancer: An intersective A-analysis. In J. Rhyne, K. Lamp, N. Dreier & C. Kwon (eds.) Proceedings of SALT 30: 63-82. Ithaka NY: LSA and CLC. Download
  Maienborn, Claudia (2020). Wider die Klammerparadoxie:  Kombinatorische Illusionen beim Adjektivbezug auf NN-Komposita. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 39(2): 149-200. Download
2019 Bücking, Sebastian & Claudia Maienborn (2019). Coercion by modification - The adaptive capacities of event-sensitive adnominal modifiers. Semantics and Pragmatics 12(9): 1-39.
  Maienborn, Claudia (2019). Events and states. In Robert Truswell (ed.), Handbook of Event Structure. Oxford University Press, 50-89. Download
  Maienborn, Claudia (2019). Flexible Bedeutungszuordnung im Lexikon: Polysemie – Unterbestimmtheit – Uminterpretation. In Yasuhiro Fujinawa & Jiro Inaba (eds.), Wie entsteht Bedeutung? Semantik zwischen Grammatik, Kognition und Kontext. Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik. Iudicium Verlag München, 11-44. Download
  von Sobbe, Linda, Edith Scheifele, Claudia Maienborn & Rolf Ulrich (2019). The Space–Time Congruency Effect: A Meta‐Analysis. Cognitive Science 43 (1): 1-23. Download
2018 Dudschig, Carolin, Ian Mackenzie, Claudia Maienborn, Barbara Kaup, Hartmut Leuthold (2018). Negation and the N400: Investigating temporal dynamics of negation integration using semantic and world-knowledge violations. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 34: 309-319. Download

Scheifele, E., V. Eikmeier, S. Alex-Ruf, C. Maienborn & R. Ulrich (2018). A replication of “Processing time shifts affects the execution of motor responses (Sell & Kaschak, 2011; Experiment 1)”. The Quantitative Methods for Psychology 14(1): r8–r11. doi:10.20982/tqmp.14.1.r008 Download


Maienborn, Claudia & Johanna Herdtfelder (2017). Eventive vs. stative causation: The case of German causal von-modifiers. Linguistics and Philosophy 40/3: 279-320. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2017). Konzeptuelle Semantik. In: Sven Staffeldt & Jörg Hagemann (eds.) Semantiktheorien. Lexikalische Analysen im Vergleich. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 151-188. Download


Dima, C., J. Ma, S. Bücking, F. Buscher, J. Herdtfelder, J. Lukassek, A. Prysłopska, E. Hinrichs, D. De Kok & C. Maienborn (2017). A Corpus-Based Model of Semantic Plausibility for German Bracketing Paradoxes. Proceedings of Corpora in the Digital Humanities (CDH) Bloomington, Indiana. Download


Lukassek, Julia, Anna Prysłopska, Robin Hörnig & Claudia Maienborn (2017). The semantic processing of motion verbs: coercion or underspecification? Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 46/4: 805-825. DOI 10.1007/s10936-016-9466-7. Download


Eikmeier, Verena, Simone Alex-Ruf, Claudia Maienborn, Hannes Schröter, & Rolf Ulrich (2016). The mental timeline during the processing of linguistic information. In B. Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (ed.), Conceptualizations of Time. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 85-104. Download


Dudschig, Carolin, Claudia Maienborn & Barbara Kaup (2016). These lemons are sour: Investigating the influence of demonstrative determiners on the N400 complex. Neuroscience Letters 630: 141-146. Download


Dudschig, Carolin, Claudia Maienborn & Barbara Kaup (2016). Is there a difference between stripy journeys and stripy ladybirds? The N400 response to semantic and world-knowledge violations during sentence processing. Brain and Cognition 103: 38-49. Download


Maienborn, Claudia, Helga Gese & Britta Stolterfoht (2016). Adverbial modifiers in adjectival passives. Journal of Semantics 33: 299-358. Download


Maienborn, Claudia & Johanna Herdtfelder (2015). A compositional account of the eventive/stative ambiguity of German causal von-modifiers. Proceedings of SALT 25, 163-183. Download


Herdtfelder, Johanna & Claudia Maienborn (2015). Causal modification of adjectival predicates: insights from a corpus study on German causal von (‘from’). In N. Melnik (ed.), Proceedings of IATL 30. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics, 39-56. Download


Eikmeier, Verena, Simone Alex-Ruf, Claudia Maienborn & Rolf Ulrich (2015). How strongly linked are mental time and space along the left-right axis? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 41, 1878-1883. Download


Ulrich, Rolf, Claudia Maienborn & Barbara Kaup (2015) (eds.). Understanding the meaning of words and sentences: The role of non-linguistic processes. Special issue Acta Psychologica 156.


Maienborn, Claudia, Simone Alex-Ruf, Verena Eikmeier & Rolf Ulrich (2015). Do we map remembrances to the left and expectations to the right on the mental timeline? Space-time congruency effects with retrospective and prospective verbs. Acta Psychologica 156: 168-178. Download


Berndt, Frauke & Claudia Maienborn (2013). The Sucking Subject: Structural Ambiguities of Goethe's Auf dem See in Literary and Linguistic Perspective. The Goethe Yearbook 20 (1): 91-115. Download


Maienborn, Claudia & Sascha Geldermann (2013). Expertengeprüft und vom Experten geprüft: Zur Semantik von Nomen-Partizip II-Komposita und ihren präpositionalen Partnern. In: H. Härtl (Hrsg.) Interfaces of Morphology. A Festschrift for Susan Olsen (studia grammatica 74). Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 127-160. Download


Eikmeier, Verena, Hannes Schröter, Claudia Maienborn, Simone Alex Ruf & Rolf Ulrich (2013). Dimensional overlap between time and space. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 20: 1120-1125. Download


Ulrich, Rolf, Verena Eikmeier, Irmgard de la Vega, Susana Ruiz Fernández, Simone Alex & Claudia Maienborn (2012). With the past behind and the future ahead: Back-to-front representation of past and future sentences. Memory & Cognition 40 (3): 483-495. Download


Maienborn, Claudia & Klaus von Heusinger & Paul Portner (2012) (eds.). Semantics. An international handbook of natural language meaning; Volume 3. (HSK 33.3), Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.



Gese, Helga & Claudia Maienborn & Britta Stolterfoht (2011). Adjectival conversion of unaccusatives in German. Journal of Germanic Linguistics 23(2): 101-140. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2011). Strukturausbau am Rande der Wörter: Adverbiale Modifikatoren beim Zustandspassiv. In: S. Engelberg, A. Holler & K. Proost (eds.), Sprachliches Wissen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik. Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Jahrbuch 2010. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter, 317-343. Download


von Heusinger, Klaus & Claudia Maienborn & Paul Portner (2011) (eds.). Semantics. An international handbook of natural language meaning; Volume 2. (HSK 33.2), Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Maienborn, Claudia & Martin Schäfer (2011). Adverbs and adverbials. In: HSK 33.2, 1390-1420. Download


Maienborn, Claudia, Klaus von Heusinger & Paul Portner (2011) (eds.). Semantics. An international handbook of natural language meaning; Volume 1. (HSK 33.1), Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.

Maienborn, Claudia, Klaus von Heusinger & Paul Portner (2011). Meaning in linguistics. In: HSK 33.1, 1-10.

Lang, Ewald & Claudia Maienborn (2011). Two-level Semantics: Semantic Form and Conceptual Structure. In: HSK 33.1, 709-740. Download

Maienborn, Claudia (2011). Event semantics. In: HSK 33.1, 802-829. Download


Stolterfoht, B., H. Gese & C. Maienborn (2010). Word category conversion causes processing costs: Evidence from adjectival passives. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 17(5): 651-656. Download


Ulrich, R. & C. Maienborn (2010). Left-right coding of past and future in language. The mental timeline during sentence processing. Cognition 117:126-138. Download


Kaup, B., J. Lüdtke & C. Maienborn (2010). “The drawer is still closed”: Simulating past and future actions when processing sentences that describe a state. Brain and Language 112 (3): 159-166. Download


Maienborn, C. (2009). Building event-based ad hoc properties: On the interpretation of adjectival passives. In: A. Riester & T. Solstad (eds.): Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 13, Stuttgart, 35-49. Download


Gese, H., B. Stolterfoht & C. Maienborn (2009). Context effects in the formation of adjectival resultatives. In: S. Winkler & S. Featherston (eds.), The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics. Volume 2: Product. Berlin: de Gruyter, 125-155.


Shaer, B., P. Cook, W. Frey & C. Maienborn (2008) (eds.). Dislocated Elements in Discourse: Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Shaer, B., P. Cook, W. Frey & C. Maienborn (2008). Dislocation: Concepts, Questions, Goals. In: Shaer, B., P. Cook, W. Frey & C. Maienborn (2008)(eds.), Dislocated Elements in Discourse: Syntactic, Semantic, and Pragmatic Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 1-30.


Maienborn, C. (2007). Das Zustandspassiv: Grammatische Einordnung - Bildungsbeschränkungen - Interpretationsspielraum. Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik 35: 83-115. Download


Maienborn, C. (2007). On Davidsonian and Kimian States. In: I. Comorovski & K. von Heusinger (eds.), Existence: Syntax and Semantics. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 107-130. Download


Maienborn, C. (2007). Regina Pustet, Copulas. Universals in the Categorization of the Lexicon. Oxford University press. Studies in Language 31/1: 232-244. Download


Maienborn, Claudia & Angelika Wöllstein (2005) (eds.). Event Arguments: Foundations and Applications. Tübingen: Niemeyer.


Maienborn, Claudia (2005). On the Limits of the Davidsonian Approach: The Case of Copula Sentences. Theoretical Linguistics 31/3: 275-316. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2005). Eventualities and different things: a reply. Theoretical Linguistics 31/3: 383-396. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2005). A discourse-based account of Spanish ser/estar. Linguistics 43/1: 155-180. Download


Shaer, Benjamin, Werner Frey & Claudia Maienborn (2004)(eds.). Proceedings of the Dislocated Elements Workshop, ZAS Berlin, November 2003 (2 Bände). ZAS Papers in Linguistics 35.


Maienborn, Claudia (2004). A Pragmatic Explanation of the Stage Level/Individual Level Contrast in Combination with Locatives. B. Agbayani, V. Samiian & B. Tucker (eds.), Proceedings of the Western Conference on Linguistics (WECOL) 15. Fresno: CSU, 158 - 170. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2003). Against a Davidsonian Analysis of Copula Sentences. In: M. Kadowaki & S. Kawahara (eds.), NELS 33 Proceedings, GLSA, 167-186.


Maienborn, Claudia (2003). Die logische Form von Kopula-Sätzen. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag (studia grammatica 56).


Lang, Ewald, Claudia Maienborn & Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen (2003) (eds.). Modifying Adjuncts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Lang, Ewald, Claudia Maienborn & Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen (2003). Modifying (the grammar of) adjuncts - An introduction. In: E. Lang et al. (eds.), Modifying Adjuncts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1-29.

Maienborn, Claudia (2003). Event-internal modifiers: Semantic underspecification and conceptual interpretation. In: E. Lang et al. (eds.), Modifying Adjuncts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 475-509. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2002)(ed.). (A)Symmetrien - (A)Symmetries. Beiträge zu Ehren von Ewald Lang - Papers in honor of Ewald Lang. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.


Mitarbeit an der 3. Auflage von Hadumod Bußmann (ed.) Lexikon der Sprachwissenschaft;

vollständige Überarbeitung und Aktualisierung der Bereiche Semantik und Logik; ca. 350 Einträge


Maienborn, Claudia (2001). On the Position and Interpretation of Locative Modifiers. Natural Language Semantics 9/2: 191-240. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (2000). Zustände - Stadien - stative Ausdrücke: Zur Semantik und Pragmatik von Kopula-Prädikativ-Konstruktionen. Linguistische Berichte 183: 271-307. Download


Fabricius-Hansen, Cathrine, Ewald Lang & Claudia Maienborn (2000) (eds.). Approaching the Grammar of Adjuncts. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 17.


Maienborn, Claudia (2000). Modification and Underspecification: A Free Variable Account of Locative Modifiers. In: C. Fabricius-Hansen, E. Lang & C. Maienborn (eds.), Approaching the Grammar of Adjuncts. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 17: 153-176


Günther, Carsten, Claudia Maienborn & Andrea Schopp (1999). The Processing of Information Structure. In: P. Bosch & R. van der Sandt (eds.), Focus: Linguistic, Cognitive and Computational Perspectives. (Studies in Natural Language Processing). Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press, 18-42. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (1999). Situationsbezug und die Stadien/Individuen-Distinktion bei Kopula-Prädikativ-Konstruktionen. In: E. Lang & L. Geist (eds.), Kopula-Prädikativ-Konstruktionen als Syntax-Semantik-Schnittstelle. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 14: 41-64.


Maienborn, Claudia (1997). On the Meaning of Sentence Modifiers: Semantic Indeterminacy and its Grammatically Induced Specification. In: R. van der Sandt, R. Blutner & M. Bierwisch (eds.), From underspecification to interpretation. Working Papers of the Institute for Logic and Linguistics. IBM Deutschland, Heidelberg, 183-201.


Maienborn, Claudia (1996). Situation und Lokation: Die Bedeutung lokaler Adjunkte von Verbalprojektionen. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.


Abb, Bernd, Carsten Günther, Michael Herweg, Kai Lebeth, Claudia Maienborn & Andrea Schopp (1996). Incremental Grammatical Encoding - An Outline of the SYNPHONICS Formulator. In: G. Adorni & M. Zock (eds.), Trends in Natural Language Generation. An Artificial Intelligence Perspective. Berlin: Springer, 277-299. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (1995). Towards a Compositional Semantics for Locative Modifiers. In: M. Simons & T. Galloway (eds.), Proceedings from Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT) V. Ithaca N.Y.: Cornell University Linguistic Publications, 237-254.


Abb, Bernd & Claudia Maienborn (1994). Adjuncts in HPSG. In: H. Trost (ed.), Tagungsband KONVENS 94: Verarbeitung natürlicher Sprache. Wien, 28.-30. September 1994. Berlin: Springer, 13-22. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (1994). Kompakte Strukturen - Direktionale PPn und nicht-lokale Verben. In: S. Felix, Ch. Habel & G. Rickheit (eds.), Kognitive Linguistik. Repräsentation und Prozesse. Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 229-249. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (1992). Motivation einer Ontologie aus linguistischer Perspektive - 3 Fallstudien aus LEU/2 -. In: G. Klose, E. Lang & T. Pirlein (eds.), Ontologie und Axiomatik der Wissensbasis von LILOG. Berlin: Springer, 73-90.


Maienborn, Claudia (1991). Verbs of Motion and Position: On the Optionality of the Local Argument. In: O. Herzog & C.-R. Rollinger (eds.), Text Understanding in LILOG: Integrating Computational Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence. Berlin: Springer, 621-631.


Maienborn, Claudia (1991). Bewegungs- und Positionsverben: Zur Fakultativität des lokalen Arguments. In: E. Klein & F. Pouradier Duteil & K. Wagner (eds.), Betriebslinguistik und Linguistikbetrieb. Akten des 24. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Universität Bremen, 4. – 6. 9. 1989, Band 2. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 95-106. Download


Maienborn, Claudia (1990). Position und Bewegung: Zur Semantik lokaler Verben. IWBS-Report Nr.138, IBM Stuttgart. Download