Institute of English Languages and Literatures

Your Questions, Our Answers

How many pages are required for a term paper for 6 Credit Points?

There are no general guidelines regarding the length of term papers. ECTS refer to workload in courses. 1 ECTS stands for 30 hours of work. If in doubt, please check back with your course instructor.

I am following TEFL I but I cannnot take part to TEFL II because I have another course. What can I do to solve the problem?

You cannot split the Basic Module TEFL. You have to take both TEFL I and TEFL II in one and the same semester. The only other alternative is to attend the lecture and complete all assignments ("Studienleistungen") but then take the final module exam at the end of the following semester, in conjunction with your TEFL II seminar.

Is the lecture in the Basic Module Linguistics obligatory?


Can I still attend a course in the second week?

Usually yes, please check back with the course instructor.

Where do I find information about reliable resources I can cite in a term paper or bachelor thesis?

There is no general guideline, also depending on the area of study (Literary/ Cultural Studies, Linguistics). Please check back with your course instructor and/ or thesis supervisor.

I did a PS/Ü called Structural Differences in English and German in the Basic Module Linguistics, now I am doing a seminar with the same title for the Master Ed. Linguistics but I cannot apply for the exam on alma because the course is not selectible.

This can have multiple reasons that we cannot really look into anonymously. Please check back a) with your instructor and b) with the "Prüfungsamt."