Institute of Political Science

Dominic Afscharian

PhD Researcher

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institute of Political Science
Research Unit Comparative Public Policy
Melanchthonstraße 36, 72074 Tübingen

Room 017



Office hours (by appointment): Tuesdays, 10.30-12.30

Dominic Afscharian holds degrees in political science and economics from Heidelberg University and has worked with think tanks, consultancies, and academic institutions. Specialising in public policy analysis, he primarily focuses on European social policy and its relations to other policy fields such as migration. In his dissertation, he analyses different ideas of a 'Social Europe'. Besides this main focus, he has conducted research on basic income, labour market policy, mental health policy during the COVID-19 pandemic, and democratic resilience around the globe.

Dominic Afscharian joined the University of Tübingen's research unit Comparative Public Policy in October of 2019. On the project “FuS – Freedom of Movement and Social Policy in Historical and International Comparison”, he focuses on the contemporary European Union, both examining phenomena in Germany and on the European level.

Publications and Activities


Journal Publications

Afscharian, Dominic, Cecilia Bruzelius, and Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (2024): “Agency, institutions, and welfare chauvinism: Tracing the exclusion of European Union migrant citizens from social assistance in Germany”, in: Journal of European Social Policy, OnlineFirst.

Afscharian, Dominic, Viktoriia Muliavka, Marius Ostrowski, and Lukáš Siegel (2022): “Into the Unknown: Empirical UBI Trials as Social Europe’s Risk Insurance", in: European Journal of Social Security, 24(3): 257–275.

Afscharian, Dominic, Viktoriia Muliavka, Marius Ostrowski, and Lukáš Siegel (2022): “The state of the UBI debate: Mapping the arguments for and against UBI”, in: Basic Income Studies, 17(2): 213-237.

Book Chapters

Afscharian, Dominic (2023): “Konstanz durch Wandel – Ein Grundeinkommen als Stabilisator der EU?”, in: Otto Lüdemann, Bernhard Neumärker, and Ulrich Schachtschneider (eds.): “Grundeinkommen braucht Europa – Europa braucht Grundeinkommen!“. Münster: LIT Verlag. 

Lüdemann, Otto, and Dominic Afscharian (2023): “Europäische Pilotprojekte - Türöffner für die Idee des BGE und für ein solidarisches Europa“, in: Otto Lüdemann, Bernhard Neumärker, and Ulrich Schachtschneider (eds.): “Grundeinkommen braucht Europa – Europa braucht Grundeinkommen!“. Münster: LIT Verlag. 

Think Tank Contributions

Afscharian, Dominic and Marius Ostrowski (2022): “Building Resilient Democracies – Challenges and Solutions Across the Globe”. Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

Afscharian, Dominic (2022): “Mental Health and Suicide During the Pandemic: Germany”. Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

Afscharian, Dominic, Viktoriia Muliavka, Marius Ostrowski, and Lukáš Siegel (2021): “The European Basic Income - Delivering on Social Europe”. Brussels: Foundation for European Progressive Studies.

Afscharian, Dominic, and Lars Irmler (2019): “Erfolgsfaktoren öffentlich geförderter Beschäftigung“. Gütersloh: Bertelsmann Stiftung.


Afscharian, Dominic (2023): “Self-Sustaining Inequalities – Europe’s Political Choice”, in: Europe: United in_equality?: 76-87. Genshagen: Stiftung Genshagen and ERSTE Stiftung.

Afscharian, Dominic, Viktoriia Muliavka, Marius Ostrowski, and Lukáš Siegel (2023): “No Simple Policy – Designing a European Basic Income”. Unconditional Basic Income Europe:

Afscharian, Dominic, Viktoriia Muliavka, Marius Ostrowski, and Lukáš Siegel (2022): “Towards a Progressive European Basic Income?”. Social Europe:

Afscharian, Dominic (2022): “Social Europe – Back from Death?”, in: The Progressive Post (19), 58-59. 

Relevant Presentations

2024. 'Emigrant Citizens' Homecoming: Patterns and Politics of Return Migration in the EU', Emigration and the State. The Impact of Worker Mobility on Countries of Origin in the EU and Beyond: Flensburg and online, 08 February.

2023. 'Europe – United in_equality? Is the EU (still) a transformative power?', panel discussion, United In_Equality? Unfolding the EU’s Transformative Power towards Europe’s East and Southeast: Vienna, 21 November.

2023. 'Asserting Welfare Migration – Comparing the Political Uses of Welfare Magnet Ideas', ESPAnet 2023: Warsaw, 07 September.

2023. 'Social Citizenship’s Tug-of-War – Comparing Internal Migrants’ Rights in Emerging Federations', IPSA World Congress 2023: Buenos Aires, 17 July.

2023. 'Europe's Scattered Federalists – Comparing Partisan Unification Demands in Coming-Together Federations', IPSA World Congress 2023: Buenos Aires, 17 July.

2023. 'Quantum Leap or Slow Decline? Shaping the Idea of a European Unemployment Insurance', EuSocialCit Summer School 2023: Amsterdam, 08 June.

2023. 'Europäische Sozialpolitik', Wer hat Recht in Europa? Unionsrecht und Mitgliedstaaten im Widerstreit: Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing, 25 March.

2023. 'The Left's Agenda for Prosperity and Growth', panel discussion, FEPS-Fabian New Year Conference 2023: London, 21 January.

2022. 'Youth Employment. How Can it Be Forged in Hard Times?', panel discussion, FEPS Annual Autumn Academy 2022: Brussels, 24 October.

2022. 'A Social Policy Mirage? Detaching Welfare Magnetism from Empirical Claims in Germany', ESPAnet 2022: Vienna, 15 September.

2022. 'Quantum Leap or Slow Decline? Shaping the Idea of a European Unemployment Insurance', talk at the Europa-Universität Viadrina for László Andor's seminar 'Questions of Social Europe': Online / Frankfurt (Oder), 16 July.

2022. 'Agents of Welfare Chauvinism: Tracing the Exclusion of EU Citizens from Social Assistance in Germany', CES 2022: Lisbon, 29 June.

2022. 'Quantum Leap or Slow Decline? Shaping the Idea of a European Unemployment Insurance', ECPR 11. SGEU 2022: Rome, 09 June.

2022. 'A Social Policy Mirage: The Idea of Welfare Magnetism in Post-Eurozone Crisis Germany', DaWS Early Career Workshop: Odense, 5 May.

2022. 'A Social Policy Mirage: The Idea of Welfare Magnetism in Post-Eurozone Crisis Germany', Tagung des AK Wohlfahrtsstaatsforschung in der DVPW: Berlin, 28 April.

2021. 'A European Basic Income: Stability Through Progress', Kolleg Europa der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes: Freiburg, 15 September.

2021. 'Europäisches Grundeinkommen: Policy Design', Leuphana Utopie-Konferenz: Hamburg, 24-25 August.

2021. 'The State of the UBI Debate: Mapping the Arguments for and against UBI', BIEN Congress: Glasgow / Online, 19 August.

2021. 'A European Basic Income? Debates and Policy Options', Unconditional Basic Income Europe Agora: Online, 26 Juni.

2021. 'The European Basic Income – Delivering on Social Europe', FEPS Seminar: Online, 17 Juni.

2021. 'A European Basic Income? Debates and Policy Options', Unconditional Basic Income Europe Meeting: Online, 5 Juni.

2021. 'A European Basic Income? Debates and Policy Options', Glasgow European Society Event, Online: 9 April.