
Ausschreibung im Bereich Neurowissenschaft


Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation: Plus 3 Perspectives Program

Deadline: 15.03. and 15.09. every year

With its Plus 3 funding program, the Boehringer Ingelheim Foundation aims to support outstanding junior group leaders in Germany conducting basic research in biology, chemistry, and medicine.

It enables them to optimally use the productive phase of their first temporary position as research group leaders as a springboard to a professorship in an excellent research environment.

Context and aims of the Plus 3 program

It generally takes 12 to 18 months to fully establish one’s first independent research group at a new location. The group’s first substantial and independent publications therefore often only appear after its fourth year. Hence, in those cases where a group leader’s employment term and core funding is limited to 5 or 6 years, the time frame in which to do productive scientific work and successfully obtain a professorship is relatively short. This is where Plus 3 offers group leaders added time, freedom, and flexibility to reach their scientific potential, to advance and develop their research programs. Plus 3 thereby creates the best conditions for long-term prospects in an optimal research environment.

What can be funded by Plus 3?

You can apply for up to 900,000 euros of core funding for your research team for up to 3 years.
This funding includes remuneration for your position as group leader, as well as for further team scientists and technical assistants. It may also be used to finance consumables, travel, and equipment.

Who may apply?

If you wish to apply, you must fulfil the following criteria:

  • You must have been awarded your PhD less than 12 years prior to the application deadline, and you should have substantial international experience.
  • Your research focuses on fundamental questions in the biological, medical, and chemical sciences. A clear link to the life sciences is required. The Foundation encourages applications which have the potential to provide novel important insights into fundamental processes. The Foundation does not, however, fund zoological research or systematic botany, for example.
  • You have been leading your first independent research group at an academic institution in Germany for at least 2, but no longer than 5 years.
  • You were selected for the group leader position through a competitive process (e.g., Emmy Noether program) with external scientists participating in the decision process.
  • Funding of your group is limited to a period of 6 years without the possibility of an extension and does not include any tenure-track options or similar.
  • You have an outstanding publishing record as a PhD student and post-doctoral researcher. Your scientific independence is demonstrated by at least two published original scientific articles of which you are the last author.
  • You should be able to provide evidence that your research group has already been positively evaluated.
  • Your research institution bindingly pledges to offer you a permanent position and must contribute substantially to equipping your group. In exceptional cases and based on a statement of reasons, the permanent position requirement may be waived.
When can you apply?

The application deadlines are 15 March and 15 September of each year. Postmark dates apply. Please send your application to the following address: 

  • Boehringer Ingelheim Stiftung
    Schusterstraße 46-48
    55116 Mainz

For more information, please see the full call for proposals: https://www.boehringer-ingelheim-stiftung.de/en/what-we-fund/nationwide-funding/perspectives-programme-plus-3.html 
