Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics

Members of the Working Groups "Space-based Astrophysics" und "Experimental UV Astronomy"


For callers from outside the University of Tübingen:
This list of telephone numbers contains only the numbers used within the telephone system of the University, thus a complete number will read:
(+49) 7071 29 xxxxx              - where xxxxx stands for one of the 5-digit numbers in the list

Working Group "Space-based Astrophysics"

Antonio ArmeniemailPhD student75474A122
Marcel BennedikemailPhD student75471A207
Dr. Alexander BinksemailPost-doc73465A120
Santiago HernandezemailPhD student75470A208
Wilhelmina JosephemailPhD student75474A122
Prutha KendreemailMaster student78614A211
Ayesha KiranemailMaster student78614A211
Dr. Enza MagauddaemailPost-doc75474A122
Dr. Daniela Munoz-GiraldoemailPhD student75471A207
Pleasant PillaiemailMaster student78614A211
Dr. Stefanie RätzemailPost-doc75471A207
Soumyadeep SarkaremailMaster student75470A208
Aswathy SugathanemailMaster student75470A208


Working Group "Experimental UV Astronomy"

Dr. Jürgen BarnstedtemailScientist78606A121
Dr. Sebastian DieboldemailScientist78604A108
Dipl.-Ing. Christoph KalkuhlemailElectronics engineer78603A110
Mayur PandeemailMaster student78603A110
Dipl.-Phys. Thomas SchanzemailElectronics engineer75473A107
Prof. Dr. Klaus WerneremailScientist78601A216
Tim WildfangemailBachelor student78606A121

Ehemalige Mitarbeiter:innen

Former members of the Working Groups "Space-based Astrophysics" and "Experimental UV Astronomy"

 Dr. Laura Venuti

 Dhiren Kindarkhedia

 Dr. Alexis Klutsch

 Mirjam Bogner

 Dr. Martina Coffaro

Maurice Epple