Algorithms in Bioinformatics

Grundlagen der Bioinformatik

Lecturers  Prof. Daniel HusonDr. Benjamin Albrecht, Sina Beier and Klara Reichard
Lectures Mondays 10:15-12h, Wednesdays 10:15-12h, Hörsaal 2, Sand 6/7
Tutorials Tuesdays, 10-12h, Wednesdays, 8-10h, 12-14h
Grading Your grade will be based on an exam, which will be taken in two parts.
Admission to exam Weekly participation in the tutorials in mandatory and you must achieve at least 50% of all assignment points to be admitted to the exam.
Language Englisch
Links CampusIlias

Content and script:

This course discusses some of the foundations of bioinformatics, focusing on how "how stuff works". A script will be handed out at the beginning of each lecture and also posted online in Ilias.


Date Topic Assignments
16.4.  1. General Introduction (inkl. Festlegung und Einteilung der Übungsgruppen) 1
18.4. 2. Pairwise Alignment  
Friday 20.4.  Jump into Java - intro to Java  
23.4.  continued 2
25.4. continued  
Friday 27.4.  Jump into Java - part 2  
30.4..  3. BLAST   3
2.5. continued  
7.5. 4. Multiple Sequence Alignment 4
9.5. continued  
14.5.  5. HMMs 5
16.5.. continued  
28.5. 6. Phylogenetics 6
30.5..  continued Practice exam 
4.6. continued  
  • Hörsaal 2 Sand 6/7 (odd matriculation numbers)
  • Seminarraum C118a Sand 14 (even)
Exam - part I (chapters 1-6)     
11.6. 7. Sequencing and Assembly  7
13.6. continued  
18.6. 8. Population Genetics  8
20.6. continued  
25.6. 9. Protein Secondary Structure   9
27.6. continued  
2.7. 10. Protein Tertiary Structure   10
4.7. continued  
9.7.. 11. Microbiome Analysis  11
11.7.. continued  
16.7. 12. Cancer Genomics Practice exam
18.7. 13. RNA Secondary Structure  
23.7. No lecture, just discussions and questions  
25.7. 9-11h N06, Hörsaalzentrum Morgenstelle  Exam - part 2 (chapters 7 - 13)   

Makeup exams: Exam part 1: Friday, 22.6. 8-10h, Hörsaal 1, Sand 6/7. Exam part 2: Friday, 28.9., 10-12h, Hörsaal 2, Sand 6/7.