Institute of Historical and Cultural Anthropology

Projects at Ludwig-Uhland-Institute

Third Party Funded Research Projetcs at LUI

The Ludwig-Uhland-Institute for Historical and Cultural Anthropology (LUI) is an exceptionally well-funded research institution and is home to numerous international and interdisciplinary research projects. These are characterised by ethnographic and cultural-historical approaches to socially highly relevant topics. About the current and completed funded research projects at LUI.

Projects at "Arbeitsstelle Sprache in Südwestdeutschland"

Another integral part of the LUI is the Tübingen "Arbeitsstelle Sprache in Südwestdeutschland" (Language Research Centre in Southwest Germany), which is characterised by a cultural studies approach to language with a focus on so-called internal and external multilingualism in the region as well as the role of dialect. Current and completed projects of the "Arbeitsstelle Sprache".

Projects at SFBs

The LUI is part of several Collaborative Research Centres (SFBs) in Tübingen. Within the SFBs, the LUI projects bring the strengths of Historical and Cultural Anthropology and its ethnographic and cultural-historical competence to bear in interdisciplinary research in order to advance innovative questions. About the current and completed projects in SFBs.



Further Projects

The LUI is also home to numerous smaller but no less innovative projects that make an essential contribution to the diversity of research in Historical and Cultural Anthropology. Current and completed projects.