Philosophisches Seminar

Exchange Programs / International Students

Information about the Erasmus+ Program

Currently, the Philosophy Department has partnerships with over 60 Universities. A list of the partner Universities can be found here.
To obtain general information about the Erasmus+ Program, click here.

How to Apply

The application deadline for the following academic year is March 1. Late applications will only be considered, if the relevant partner University happens to still have places available and if their application deadline has not passed. However, please note that those who apply later than March 1 are not guaranteed a mobility scholarship (Mobilitätsstipendium).

Information for incoming students

For information on the current course catalogue, the different types of courses, and ECTS points see/download our fact sheet

Contact Person for International Students and Students Interested in Exchange Programs

Antina Lücht: exchangespam
Office Hours:
Wednesdays 16:00-17:00, Burse room 301.
By appointment, room 301 or on Zoom.

During the lecture free period only by appointment.

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