Chinese Studies

JIANG Qingjun, M.A. 蒋青君

Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen

Academic Career

  • Since January 2021 Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen
  • 2020 Ph.D. courses finished in Chinese Language and Literature, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • 2017 M.A. degree in Chinese Language and Literature, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • 2013 B.A. degree in Chinese Language and Literature, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan, China

Research Interests 
My research generally focuses on gender studies and global history studies, especially in the East Asian area. My Ph.D. project aims to analyze the way in which masculine practices were reshaped and reconstructed in China and Korea during the Ming-Qing transition period (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries). The materials of this project draw upon various Ming, Qing, and Joseon sources (including the Yeon Haeng Rok 燕行錄 (Records of Embassies to Peking) and Joseon Wangjo Silrok 朝鮮王朝實錄 (The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty) from the late Joseon period). Through investigating modes of dress and cosmetics, and the regulation of appearance of Han males, the project will concentrate on changes of masculinity along time.