Institute of Evolution and Ecology (EvE)

PD Dr. Alfons Renz

Research interests

To learn more about ongoing and past research projects in Cameroon and the Programme Onchocercoses field laboratory in Ngaoundéré, please visit our websites:


Since 2015

Baden-Württenberg-Stipendium Plus: Project for training Cameroonian and German students

Since 2014

Member of the Ethiopian Onchocerciasis Elimination Expert Advisory Committee

Since 2013

Co-ordinator: DFG-Project: “Is eradication of human onchocerciasis possible? Entomological, biological and epidemiological studies on filarial parasites in North-Cameroon” Univ. Tübingen, MPI Tübingen (PD Dr. A. Streit), BNITH Hamburg (PD Dr. N. Brattig), Univ. of Bamenda (Dr. F. Nguemaim), IRAD Cameroon (Dr. Manchang), TOZARD, Bamenda (Dr. D. Achukwi).


Co-investigator: Studies on the secretom and proteom of filarial worms (Profs. E. Liebau, K. Luersen, N. Brattig. D. Achu-Kwi, D. Ndjonka, Univ. Münster, Hamburg, Ngaoundere, DFG)


Molecular approaches to the population biology of Onchocerca ochengi in cattle (Prof. R. Post, British Mus. Nat. Hist., and LSHTM)

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