International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Research group: Co-laborative research and innovation

How can ethics be incorporated into the sciences and humanities and other application contexts? This long-debated question always requires new contextualization and updating. On the one hand, ethics in the sciences and humanities needs concepts that are methodologically sound and practical. On the other hand, the inclusion of ethics is a situational, epistemic and social activity that needs to be understood and shaped.

In addition to the systematic analysis and testing of integrative research and innovation, the research focus aims at the professionalization and empowerment of researchers who implement the inclusion of ethics and at the involvement in science and innovation policy debates. One focus is on the inclusion of ethical and societal aspects in technology development projects.

Principal investigator


Dr. Mone Spindler
Co-laborative research, integrated research, STS, critical gerontology

Jacqueline Bellon
Philosophy of technology, philosophy of culture and science, epistemology, AI philosophy


Beatrice Bonami
Decolonization of technology, digital education, ethics in cutting-edge innovation

Aline Franzke
Dialogical ethics guidelines, Data ethics & governance, Ethics of Robotics, Embedded Ethics

Lisa Koeritz
Data Science, Applied Ethics, Operationalization

Sebastian Gießler 
Ethics & Epistemology of Science, Science and Technology Studies, Normative Philosophy of Computing

Céline Gressel
Integrated research, qualitative social research, STS, VR and eye tracking

Theresa Krampe
Game Studies, Digital Culture, Media Theory and Media Analysis

Current projects

ANKERDigital opening and development of AI ethics tools to understand and implement the effective anchoring of ethical implications in AI development. A project in the BMBF Integrated Research Cluster .Lisa Köritz


BMBF: FKZ 16SV9223

EGAREGAR is an ELSA accompanying project in the Baden-Württemberg Foundation's Autonomous Robotics research program and works together with seven technology development projects in which different robotics technologies are being developed. EGAR examines the concrete ethical and social implications of autonomous robotics using the example of specific development projects.Aline Franzke, Sebastian Gießler, Jacqueline Bellon


Baden-Württemberg Stiftung

PRETINADesigning the use of eye tracking technologies in gaming in a privacy-friendly, legally compliant and comprehensible manner. Researching eye-tracking-specific aspects of privacy and practical implementation of the implications derived from this. Céline Gressel, Theresa Krampe




  • Ammicht Quinn, Regina; Beimborn, Maria; Kadi, Selma; Köberer, Nina; Mühleck, Mara; Spindler, Mone; Tulatz, Kaja (2015): Alter, Technik, Ethik. Ein Fragen- und Kriterienkatalog. Tübingen. Online verfügbar unter
  • Beimborn, Maria; Kadi, Selma; Köberer, Nina; Mühleck, Mara; Spindler, Mone (2016): Focussing on the human. Interdisciplinary reflecions on ageing and technology. In: Linda Nierling und Emma Domínguez-Rué (Hg.): Ageing and Technology. Perspectives from the Social Sciences. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag (Aging Studies).
  • Spindler, Mone; Vondermassen, Marcel (2024): Ethische Aspekte der partizipativen Entwicklung von Gesundheitstechniken. In: Sven Kernebeck und Florian Fischer (Hg.): Partizipative Technikentwicklung im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen. Interdisziplinäre Konzepte und Methoden. 1. Auflage 2024. Bern: Hogrefe AG, S. 67–76.
  • Spindler, Mone (2022): Demenz und Digitalisierung. Was aus ethischer Sicht zu beachten ist. In: Altenheim: Lösungen fürs Management 61 (12), S. 52–54. Online verfügbar unter, zuletzt geprüft am 07.12.2022.
  • Spindler, Mone; Zinsmaier, Judith; Booz, Sophia; Wydra, Sven; Heyen, Nils B.; Gieseler, Helya et al. (2020): How to achieve integration? Methodical concepts and methodological challenges of integrating ethical, social, legal and economic aspects into technology development. In: Bruno Gransche und Arne Manzeschke (Hg.): Das geteilte Ganze. Horizonte Integrierter Forschung für künftige Mensch-Technik-Verhältnisse. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 213–239.
  • Spindler, Mone (2017): Wie sich „nicht-technische“ Aspekte vermutlich nicht in die Technikentwicklung „integrieren“ lassen. Eine Bildergeschichte. In: Jessica Heesen, Cordula Brand, Birgit Kröber, Uta Müller und Thomas Potthast (Hg.): Ethik in den Kulturen - Kulturen in der Ethik. Eine Festschrift für Regina Ammicht Quinn. Unter Mitarbeit von Regina Ammicht Quinn. Tübingen: Narr Francke Attempto (Tübinger Studien zur Ethik, 8), S. 307-317.
  • Spindler, Mone; Dietrich, Julia; Ehni, Hans-Jörg (Hg.) (2016): Diskurs Biogerontologie. Fachwissenschaftliche Einführung und Leitfaden für Lehrende. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Online verfügbar unter

Completed projects

Kollaborative Interventionen Sub-cluster 2 of the BMBF Integrated Research Cluster2021-2024
ESTEREthical and social aspects of integrated research. A project in the BMBF Integrated Research Cluster.2021-2024
teach@tuebingen Narratives about Technology in the Global South 2021-2022
IDeAEthical and sociological aspects of mixed reality technologies for older people with visual impairment (BMBF)2018-2021
INTEGRAMHow can ethical, legal, social and economic aspects be integrated into technology development projects? (BMBF)2016-2019
MATERIAPeople in old age and technology. Ethical and social science reflections on human-technology interaction (BMBF)2016-2019
Diskurs BiogerontologieAbolishing age(ing)? Discourse project on ethical and sociological aspects of biological age(ing) research2012-2013