Algorithms in Bioinformatics

BIOINF4110 Sequence Bioinformatics

LecturerProf. Dr. Daniel Huson
Time and place

Mondays, 10:15-12:00, Wednesdays 10:15-12h. (Venue: F119, Sand 6/7)

Lectures will be held in person and also recorded and uploaded to Ilias.

RegisterVia Ilias.
AssignmentsWill be made available on Wednesdays and are due 7 days later on Wednesday, 10 a.m.
TutorialsMondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays 8:15-10:00
ExamThe exam will take place in two parts. Part 1: Dec 4th 2024, Part 2: Feb 5th 2025
AudienceMaster students: Bioinformatics, Medical Informatics, Computer Science
LinksAlma Ilias


Sequence Bioinformatics focuses on concepts, data-structures and algorithms for sequence analysis. Our goal is to teach you to understand, to be able to implement and to apply the most important algorithms used in bioinformatics. Programming assignments are to be solved in Java. Students will be assigned projects in which the goal will be to address a biological problem using methods discussed in the lectures.

Some contents of this lecture were already taught in "Grundlagen der Bioinformatik". While we try avoid overlap with that bachelor level course, some content is so fundamental that we cannot completely avoid some repetition of earlier material. This is for the benefit of students that do not have a BSc in bioinformatics. 

Script and assignments

The script and assignment sheets will be made available via Ilias. Also, please upload your solutions to the assignment sheets there.


The following schedule is subject to change. 

14.10.1. Introduction 
16.10.2. Pairwise sequence alignment (global, local, overlap, linear and affine gaps, linear space and banded)Ass. 01
23.10.3. Multiple alignment (progressive, using ILP)Ass. 02
30.10..continuedAss. 03
04.11.4. Phylogenetics (distance-based, max parsimony, max likelihood, Bayesian analysis) 
06.11.continuedAss. 04
13.11.continuedAss. 05
18.11..5. Suffix trees (MUMs, inexact matching, maximal repeats) 
20.11..continuedAss. 06
25.11.6. DIAMOND protein alignment 
27.11.7. Genome comparison (Mauve and mash)Practice exam

04.12.24 11:15-12:45

N6, Morgenstelle

Exam part I This will cover the first part of the course, chapters 2-7.


Ass. 07
09.12.8. Read mapping (Bowtie and minimap) 
11.12.continuedAss. 08
16.12.9. Classic string matching 
18.12.10. Sequence assembly (Velvet and miniasm)Ass. 09
 Christmas break 
08.01.25 continuedAss. 10
13.01.2511. Microbiome analysis (16S, WGS) 
15.01.25continuedAss. 11
20.01.2512. Population genetics 
22.01.25continuedAss. 12
27.01.2513. TBA 


8:15-10:00 C118a, Sand

10:15-12h, F119, Sand

Group project presentationsPractice exam
03.02.25  14. SVMs 

05.02.25 12:15-13:45

N10, Morgenstelle

Exam part II This will cover the second half of the course, chapters 8-14.


Makeup exam

Wednesday, April 3rd, Part 1: 8-10h, Part 2: 10-12h,

Date and location: To be confirmed


How to get credit for this course

  • Always participate in the weekly problem sessions and actively present your results. If you miss more than two tutorials, then you will not be allowed to take the exam.
  • Assignments are set weekly and are due the following week.
  • Obtain at least 50% of all points.
  • Pass both parts of the exam.