Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Competence Centers for digital and digitally supported teaching in schools and continuing education

Digital competencies are key future skills that should be accessible to all students. To achieve this, well-trained teachers are essential. The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is supporting high-quality professional development programs through the lernencompetence network, aiming to inspire teachers for digital teaching. By 2026, the BMBF will invest up to €205 million in research, development, and transfer, making a substantial contribution to improving the professional development landscape for teachers. Two of the funded competence networks, involving the University of Tübingen, focus on "digital sovereignty".

Subprojects at the Hector Institute for Empirical Educational Research


The project DiSo-SGW (Digital Sovereignty in Languages, Social Sciences, and Economics) aims to further develop, optimize, and implement innovative, empirically tested prototype training and professional development modules for digital teaching and learning, with a focus on languages, social sciences, and economics. The Digital Sovereignty competence network (coordinated by Frederking and Brüggemann) consists of more than 20 individual projects nationwide, organized into three groups: EFT A (Subject-Specific Teaching and Learning), EFT B (Digital Tools and Concepts), and EFT C (Evaluation and Dissemination). The concept of "digital sovereignty" targets an educational goal that combines the practical application of digital skills with the development of a reflective attitude toward the opportunities and risks of digital media. This concept is tested and applied in the respective subjects and subject groups.

The DiSo-SGW subproject at the University of Tübingen focuses on tasks within EFT A and C. In an EFT A team, professional development modules are developed, evaluated, optimized, and implemented to enhance digital sovereignty in the field of history (Bertram, Trautwein). These efforts aim to improve subject-specific teaching and learning in the context of digital transformation. The Hector Institute's expertise in monitoring, evaluation, and impact research is utilized in EFT C (Nagengast, Trautwein).

In this subproject, science, research, and practice collaborate in interdisciplinary teams from the first, second, and third phases. The teacher training program digital:klug will be implemented in four federal states during the 2024/25 school year, and its effectiveness will be assessed through a randomized controlled intervention study. This work is conducted in close cooperation with all EFT teams within the DiSo-SGW project network and subject-specific partners at other universities.


  • Dr. Christiane Bertram
  • Stefanie Hölzlwimmer
  • Fitore Morina


[Translate to Englisch:]

Digital-Aesthetic Sovereignty of Teachers as a Basis for Cultural, Artistic, Musical, Poetic, and Physical Education in the Digital World

The joint project Digital-Aesthetic Sovereignty of Teachers as a Basis for Cultural, Artistic, Musical, Poetic, and Physical Education in the Digital World (DiäS; coordinated by the University of Bamberg) is funded as part of the BMBF's call for competence centers for digital and digitally supported teaching in schools and further education in creative subjects and sports. Against this background, DiäS focuses on the research-based and evidence-oriented development, evaluation, and optimization of prototype approaches to enhance and deepen teachers' professional knowledge in the areas of cultural, artistic, musical, poetic, and physical education in the context of digital transformation. The subprojects in Tübingen are focused on evaluation and musical education (in collaboration with Daniel Müllensiefen).


  • Patrizia Bieber
  • Dr. Thomas Gfrörer

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