International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW)

Research Group: Robotics and AI

The research group “Robotics and AI” (R-Fair) is primarily concerned with ethical questions of human-machine interaction - i.e. questions that arise in the interaction in hybrid systems between human and artificial actors - both from an embodied (robotic) and purely algorithmic perspective. The issues addressed in this context include fairness and non-discrimination, autonomy (of human actors as well as of the hybrid system), trust and supervision, manipulation and automation bias, privacy and data protection, as well as (political) publics and the effects of such systems on democratic processes.

More information about the research group

On the one hand, R-Fair examines these issues within ethical collaboration processes in the context of concrete technology development projects. This collaborative endeavor stands against the backdrop of an ethics in the sciences, according to which development processes and design decisions are critically engaged with from the very beginning. On the other hand, R-Fair addresses the (individual) ethical appropriateness and (collective) social acceptability of the technologies behind these technological developments in general. This is achieved through a social critique informed by philosophy, social and media sciences, which not only takes into account the effects on social justice, social cohesion and democratic processes, but also technological promises of objectivity and the idea of quick “techno-fixes”.

Principal investigator


Dr. Wulf Loh
Ethical, social and political analysis of digitalization processes making use of a Critical Theory of Digitalization

Jacqueline Bellon
Philosophy of technology, history of ideas, epistemology, philosophy of science

Dr. Lou Brandner
AI and data ethics, sociology, qualitative social research

Aline Franzke
Dialogic ethics guidelines, data ethics & governance, ethics of robotics, embedded ethics

Sebastian Gießler
Philosophy of Science, Science and Technology Studies, Normative Philosophy of Computing

Theresa Krampe
Game Studies, Transmedia Narratology, Gender and Queer (Media) Studies, Imaginations of the Digital, Surveillance Images in Digital Games

Maria Pawelec
Deepfakes, disinformation, theories of democracy, qualitative methods

Dr. Markus Spöhrer
Digital games and dis/ability, science and technology studies (STS) and digital media, film and media theory, ethics and dis/ability, media dispositives

Current projects

VIKINGTrustworthy artificial intelligence for police applications 
PREVENTTraining approach for teaching individual, coordinated and automated measures to prevent digital disinformation campaigns2022-2025
Interaktiver BlickThe Interactive Gaze: On the status and ethics of surveillance imagery in digital games2023-2026
EGAREthical and social aspects of autonomous robotics2023-2026
KI-T-ÜAI tools in university teaching: exercises on competent and responsible use for teachers and students2023-2026

Current publications

Completed projects

DAMATransparent data autonomy meta assistant2020-2023
LOUISALearning Model for Multidimensional Quantitative Movement Analysis 2020-2023
PEGASUSPolice acquisition and analysis of heterogeneous mass data to combat organized crime structures2020-2023
AITEKünstliche Intelligenz, Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Erklärbarkeit 2020-2023
NIKAUser-centered interaction design for context-sensitive and acceptable robots 2018-2021