R. Abdelghani, Y.-H. Wang, X. Yuan, et al., “Gpt-3-driven pedagogical agents to train children’s curious
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R. Abdelghani, P.-Y. Oudeyer, E. Law, C. de Vulpillières, and H. Sauzéon, “Conversational agents for
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R. Abdelghani, H. Sauzéon, and P.-Y. Oudeyer, “Generative ai in the classroom: Can students remain
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R. Abdelghani, E. Law, C. Desvaux, P.-Y. Oudeyer, and H. Sauzéon, “Interactive environments for
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Z. Xiao, X. Yuan, Q. V. Liao, R. Abdelghani, and P.-Y. Oudeyer, “Supporting qualitative analysis with
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X. Yuan, T. Wang, Y.-H. Wang, R. Abdelghani, et al., “Selecting better samples from pre-trained LLMs: A case study on
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R. Stower, R. Abdelghani, M. Tschopp, K. Evangelista, M. Chetouani, and A. Kappas, “Exploring space
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