Department of Geosciences

Excursions and mapping courses BSc and MSc Geosciences


Field teaching is important in geosciences and we therefore endeavour to offer a wide variety of excursions, field practicals and mapping courses. We hope this page will help you to find a way to what is on offer and how to register for these courses.

Please visit this page regularly to see if there are any announcements regarding excursions and mapping courses. I will do my best to keep you up to date.

Also check the Fachschaft page

In case you run into trouble, for example because of cancelled excursions, please contact Paul Bons by email.

Your field-modules coordinator, Paul Bons.

Field safety

Code of Conduct (Download)

Information regarding risks of tick-borne encephalitis (FSME)

Your health and safety is always our concern, whether in the classroom, the laboratory or in the field. State health and safety regulations make it mandatory to inform you on the risks of tick-borne encephalitis (FSME in German: Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis).

The Science Faculty will organise a number of online information sessions.

You must attend one of these! Students who have not attended one are not allowed to go on any field trips!

In winter term 2024/25 these sessions are on offer:

  • Thursday, 17.10., 10.00 am (German)

  • Tuesday, 22.10., 10.00 am (Englisch)

  • Thursday, 24.10., 14.00 pm (German)

  • Friday, 25.10., 10.00 am (Englisch)

  • Monday, 28.10., 11.00 am (German)

Topic: Pflichtvorsorge Studierende MNF Tübingen WiSe 2024/25
Live stream on:
Meeting-ID: 969 1983 3380
Passcode: 678136

For proof of attendance, you must have your student-ID number ready at the event.

Permanent information about excursions and mapping courses

These mapping courses are planned for 2024:

  • BSc: Molinos, Spain, in August/September, organised by Christoph Glotzbach
    Priority is given to BSc-students who will be in their 4th or higher semester. Note that this trip consists of the mapping course and 3 additional excursion days that can count for your excursions module.
  • MSc: Syros Naxos, Greece, a "mineralogy and petrology oriented" mapping course, organised by Michael Marks
  • Geoecology: Molinos, Spain, in September, organised by Annett Junginger & Martin Ebner

If, for some reason, you absolutely cannot attend the course that is intended for you, please register for the other course and contact the course leader.

Please note: a mapping course is not the same as an excursion. Therefore not all field days of a mapping course can be transferred to count as excursion days  instead of a mapping course. The maximum number is 8 excursion days. Please contact the Module Coordinator (Paul Bons) if you have questions.  

Only MSc-students can attend two mapping courses (but of course not to the same area).

Please remember to cancel your registration if you do not want to attend an excursion any more.
This helps the lecturers a lot!

Finally: Please make sure that the excursion leader signs for the excursion days in your excursion pass. Once you have the required number of excursion days, your pass has to be signed off by the module coordinator: currently Paul Bons.

Make sure you get the final signature well in time, not just before the end of semester, as this is March or September, when the coordinator is likely to be away for fieldwork or other duties when there are no classes. Only the coordinator can sign your pass!

If you collected more than the required days in your BSc and continue in MSc, the excess days can count for your MSc. Please keep your BSc-excursion pass.

Excursion days from other universities (for example from Erasmus exchanges) can count for your excursion module. What is needed is a written and signed statement of the excursion leader, stating the number of days and a brief description of the excursion. The module coordinator (Paul Bons) can then sign for these days in your excursion pass.

Your module coordinator, Paul Bons