Organization of the Department of Geosciences
The Department of Geosciences wasfounded on october 1, 2010; its internal organization is determined by the bylaws. With the installation of the department, the interdisciplinary nature of the former Faculty of Geosciences has been continued. To reflect the diversity of disciplines, the department is divided into three research areas of differnt size, that elect representatives to the Sprechergremium. One member of the Sprechergremium is elected head of the department, who presides the department and represents it in the Faculty of Science.
The Sprechergremium manages the department. All interest groups of the department are represented in the Fachbereichsbeirat, which is a forum of internal information exchange and structural decision maing. Twice per year the head of department informs all members of the department in a general assembly.
All matters of teaching at the departmental level are discussed in the three study committees. The study committees are preside by their respective dean of studies; their composition reflect the diversity of the study programs within the department. All issues of individual study programs related to exams are decided upon in the examination committees of the individual programs.
The equal opportunity officer of the department is responsible for matters of equal opportunity. She is authorized to speak in the Sprechergremium and is member of the Fachbereichsbeirat ex officio.