Department of Geosciences

News about the RTG

"Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling"

Spring School, online, March 2021

From 15th to 19th March the spring school 2021 took place on the topic Land Surface Processes.

As the third wave of the Corona pandemic prevented an in-person event for the second time, the Spring School on Land Surface Processes, which was originally planned for spring 2020, took place as an online event. Even after one year of video conferences and online teaching the organizing researchers of the University of Hohenheim were highly motivated and had set up an intense program with a mix of lectures and hands-on exercises.

The Spring School started on Monday evening with an inspiring guest lecture held by Juliane Mai from the University of Waterloo, who summarized years of her research. She showed us her newly developed methods for the sensitivity analysis of hydrological models, as well as techniques that can quantify the reliability of any sensitivity analysis tool.


Fall School in Freudenstadt, Germany, October 2020

From 5th to 9th October the fall school 2020 took place in Freudenstadt on the topic Stochastic Methods in Modeling.

Amidst the “New Normality of Year 2020”, the fall school on stochastic methods in modelling took place in beginning of October in Freudenstadt. The group of participants consisted mostly of the RTG researchers and few external students, owing to the Covid-19 restrictions. The small but high-spirited group equipped with their masks and adhering to social distancing rules ensured the successful completion of the school.
The first day included presentations from the participating researchers depicting their fascination for their research work. The presentations were followed by questions and discussions on the topics, with active participation of the audience.


Spring School in Sulz, Germany, March/April 2020 --- cancelled

Due to the Corona virus, the spring school 2020 on Surface Processes must be cancelled.

Visiting Researchers in the Winter Semester 2019

  • Brian Ingalls, University of Waterloo, Canada (October 2019)
  • Beth Parker, University of Guelph, Canada (October 2019)
  • Charles E. Schaefer, CDM Smith, Washington (October 2019)
  • Philippe Ackerer, University of Strasbourg, France (November 2019)
  • Michael Berg, Eawag, Switzerland (November 2019)
  • Friedhelm von Blanckenburg, GFZ Potsdam (December 2019)
  • Ralf Schäfer, Universität Koblenz-Landau (January 2020)
  • Maik Jochmann, Universität Duisburg-Essen (January 2020)

Fall School in Bad Urach, Germany, October 2019

From 7th to 11th October the fall school 2019 took place in Bad Urach on the topic Modeling Microbial Activity and Bioreactive Transport.
This fall the third generation of the RTG Ph.D. candidates met up with microbiologists and applied mathematicians to spend several days and discuss main applications of numerical reactive transport modeling.
After a quick introductory session of all the participants, the Monday stage was given to Dr. Holger Pagel (University of Hohenheim), who explained the general concept of solving coupled ordinary differential equations with MATLAB. A combination of lectures and exercises (a concept maintained throughout the week) enhanced the understanding of the subject matter.


Waterloo Field School 2019, Canada, April/May 2019

The third generation of doctoral candidates in the Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling RTG attended the Hydrogeology Field School at the University of Waterloo (Canada) from April 21 to May 10 2019.
The course was run by Dr. Colby Steelman with the help of his teaching assistants Joey Ju and Max Salman. It was a blend of lectures, field work and demonstrations, as well as individual and group assignments. Teaching was performed by professors, researchers, industry experts and graduate or post-graduate students. Our fellow attendees were graduate students from different Canadian universities (Waterloo, Guelph, McMaster, Queen’s and others).


Visiting Researchers in the Summer Semester 2019

  • Tanguy LeBorgne, Université de Rennes (May 2019)
  • Michael D. Annable, University of Florida (May 2019)
  • Jörg Lewandowski, Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei (IGB) (May 2019)
  • Christina Smeaton, University of Waterloo (May 2019)
  • Christy Remucal, University of Wisconsin (May 2019)
  • Barbara Maher, Lancaster University (July 2019)
  • Daniel Hunkeler, University of Neuchâtel (July 2019)

Visiting Researchers in the Winter Semester 2018

  • Thilo Behrends, University of Utrecht (October 2018)
  • Norman Wildmann, German Aerospace Center (November 2018)
  • Andreas Hartmann, University of Freiburg (November 2018)
  • Rainer Helmig, University of Stuttgart (November 2018)
  • Marco Keiluweit, University of Massachusetts (December 2018)
  • Thorsten Hüffer, University of Vienna (January 2019)
  • James Kirchner, ETH Zurich (January 2019)
  • Todd Gouin, TG Environmental Research (January 2019)
  • Juliane Hollender, EAWAG (February 2019)
  • Barbara Maher, Lancaster University (February 2019)
  • Eric Little, OSTHUS Inc., Melbourne, USA (February 2019)

Numerical Methods Course in Freudenstadt, Germany, October 2018

From the 8th to the 12th of October, the fall school on Numerical Methods in Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling took place, gathering not only the new students from the third cohort of RTG 1829 "Integrated Hydrosystem Modelling", but also senior RTG students, external PhD students and supervisors.
The fall school was an intensive week of learning how useful and practical numerical methods are. With a mix of lectures and exercises the participants got an insight to what is behind the scenes of numerical hydrosystem models in a motivating learning environment. The increased awareness for numerical errors helps to differentiate between real model results and artefacts created by numerical schemes.