Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology



Focus on Exchange at the LEAD Research Meeting

More than 70 LEAD Members get together in Tübingen

By Rebecca Beiter

Understanding education, improving education. The LEAD Graduate School & Research Network community thrives on regular dialogue. LEAD members met on 10 March 2025 for the LEAD Research Meeting in Tübingen. After a brief report and outlook on developments in the coming year, they listened to two introductions on ‘Adaptivity: On didactic approaches, digital implementations, and psychological theories’ by Detmar Meurers and Andreas Lachner. In addition, LEAD members from different career stages presented current research projects that deal with adaptive teaching and learning questions.

Join the LEAD Graduate School & Research Network

LEAD is a research network for empirical education science at the University of Tübingen. More than 200 researchers explore educational and learning processes in collaboration with schools. To improve education, they communicate their findings to the public. The LEAD Graduate School offers a training program for doctoral students to promote young scientists. LEAD stands for Learning, Educational Achievement, and Life Course Development. 
How to become a LEAD Member

Media Contact

Rebecca Beiter
Pressespam prevention@lead.uni-tuebingen.de 



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