

Maja Flaig receives young researcher award

for her dissertation, in which she examined in three studies how prior knowledge, knowledge acquisition processes and stress contribute to the development of academic performance

During the annual conference of the German Association for Educational and Academic Staff Development in Higher Education (dghd), the prize was "presented" online on 19 March 2020. The title of Maja's dissertation is: "The Contributions of Knowledge and Stress to Academic Achievement: A Meta-Analysis, a Latent Transition Analysis, and a Latent State-Trait Model".

The jury particularly praised the breadth of content of the work (non-cognitive and cognitive determinants of achievement), as well as the combination of three innovative, different methodological approaches in the three studies. "The aim of the award is to make excellent didactic research by young academics visible and to give it public recognition. The submitted theses will be evaluated in terms of their theoretical, methodological and empirical knowledge gained for research on didactics in higher education," says the dghd.
