Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Multimedia Tools

Observer Research Tool – Knowledge-based observing of teaching videos

Project Outline: The Observer Research Tool is an online tool that allows to professionally observe teaching. For that, it offers video clips about teaching that can be assessed into different categories. The individual assessments are then compared to those of experts. After working with the tool, one receives feedback on how well one’s own assessments correspond to the expert’s.

Access: The tool is freely available for those who are interested and can be worked on in a short or long version. Furthermore, you can choose to work with the tool in German or English language. The long version offers six video clips and one can practice assessing teaching in several scenes. The long version requires roughly 60 minutes, the short version contains three video clips and requires around 30 minutes.

If you would like to use the tool for one of your own courses (university, seminar, vocational and further training), you can register for a separate login for your course. We offer to send you your survey’s results in an anonymous form that is customized to your course. If you would like to register for a course login, please contact kathleen.stuermerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de.

Link: You may find further information about the Oberserver Research Tool here: http://www.uhsf.edu.tum.de/forschung/multimedia-tools/observer/

Management: Prof. Dr. Tina Seidel, Prof. Dr. Kathleen Stürmer

Reference: Seidel, T. & Stürmer, K. (2017). Observer - video-based tool to diagnose teachers’ professional vision. School of Education: Technical University of Munich, Germany.

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