Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology


Metacluster Evaluation

The "SchuMaS" Collaborative Project supports and guides school and curriculum development, the professionalization of educational staff, and networking within the community at 200 schools across Germany facing challenging social conditions. The primary goal of this research-based and practice-oriented support is to enhance students' foundational linguistic and mathematical competencies, as well as their social learning and motivation.

Key approaches to achieving these goals include:

  • Curriculum Development: Focusing on German and mathematics instruction.
  • Professionalization: Improving the skills of teachers and other educational staff.
  • School Development: Enhancing school development capacities, school culture, and leadership practices.
  • Networking: Expanding and strengthening connections within the schools' social environments.

A special emphasis is placed on integrating and aligning measures across different levels to enable a holistic, coherent, and sustainable development at the schools.

This interdisciplinary project aims for intensive and continuous support of schools, considering their specific conditions and challenges ("context sensitivity"). This is achieved through a balanced offering of core and supplementary modules from various content areas, with design, implementation, and evaluation conducted in close and ongoing collaboration between research and school practice ("co-construction"). All development activities are aimed at identifying and providing effective and practical measures in the areas of school and curriculum development and social networking to strengthen additional schools in socially challenging situations.

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