Hector Research Institute of Education Sciences and Psychology

Classroom Videos for Teacher Education and Research

Classroom videos are of great value both for teacher education and for research on teaching and learning. They make it possible to analyze and reflect on teaching in detail. The goal of our video project is to create high-quality classroom videos that illustrate key aspects of teaching quality and to use them for research and in teacher education. Led by the IBBW, staged classroom videos based on the Unterrichtsfeedbackbogen Tiefenstrukturen are developed by experts in subject didactics and recorded with school classes. Recording the videos with 360-degree cameras enables an immersive classroom experience through VR headsets. In our research, we analyze the potential of immersive classroom videos for teacher education and teaching-quality research.

How is the project conducted?

The classroom videos are based on scripts that depict carefully selected classroom situations. These scenes illustrate key aspects of teaching quality in both positive and negative forms. After the scripts are created, the Zentrum für Medienkompetenz at the University of Tübingen records the classroom videos in schools across Baden- Württemberg using advanced camera technology and prepares them for use in teacher education and research. The videos are utilized in both lab and field studies with preservice and in-service teachers.

Possible implementation in practice

The classroom videos are already being used in teacher training and professional development. For example, the videos serve as illustrative material for key aspects of teaching quality in professional development workshops focused on the Unterrichtsfeedbackbogen Tiefenstrukturen.

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